Hi Helene,
A mobile office will not require more time from you but less. I set ours up not as a way to better serve my clients but as a way to better serve myself. It has saved me thousands of dollars and untold miles and hours. You probably know the feeling of coming in from a long day spent in distant counties only to find an order for for the same county that came in an hour after you left. With a mobile office you would have received this order in the field and could complet it while you were there.
The capshare digitizes the documents at the rate of about a page every 4-5 seconds. The capshare saves $750 a month in copy cost alone. I digitize my completed report at the same time. .. Then it is only a matter of a couple of clicks to send it off to my client. The connection I have with my mobile office only the equivalent of dialup access but since I am working on the next order or traveling to the next county while it faxes, it isn't a problem.
When I return home at the end of the day, my work is finished. My clients have the orders in hand and may have already processed them during the day and sent them on to their clients.
There has also been an unexpected benifit to the mobile office. I keep up with what's going on with SOT as I travel. I sometimes even pull over to read or reply. I download books on tape to the mobile office to listen to on those long trips between counties. Ocassionally I've even popped in a dvd movie to watch while the county takes their lunch break.
A mobile office isn't for everyone but for traveling abstractors like you and me, it can make a big difference in our bottom line and our level of stress.
David Bloys
Davick Services
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