Geez, I am an independent for real, doing everything myself, at the actual courthouse. I cover 9 counties (GA has 159, one of the most of all states). None are city but some are out of control growth counties and some are still rural. I can not imagine having a mobile office--bad enough I have to work many times from the time I get up & have my 1st cup of coffee, often till the wee hrs. at night. It's all I can do to return orders in a timely manner, quality work. As it is, only dial up is available in my area. If I had to get mobile, VM's & others would have to be charged more, not less. I realize I may be eventually be left out but so be it. I do work for quite a few VM's and I find that if you call them about a particular search you will be paid more for what you do. Also, I recently contacted one, who is relying on on-line info (bad idea here) and therefore is sending me less work---they agreed to a higher fee for the work I do do for them. I think, while mostly we are a # to VM's, if they like your work and you have a decent turnaround time and return quality work, they will, for right now, work w/you. Not all, but some.
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