That is pretty much the answer I expected, Michael. My office has already turned down a title companies earlier this year because of the same more for nothing approach they wanted to employ. I for one will not go to the expense and trouble of accelerating turn around time with a mobile office unless there is additional compensation for the additional service. Any other way is a losing proposition. If it comes to a choice of losing the client...there are other areas of the industry that are becoming more profitable that abstracting to compensate for the loss.
I gather from your response that you advise the abstractors to make it up in volume. You are missing the point. It does not matter if other companies increase the volume of work they send to an abstractor if the time in which he has to complete the work is reduced by the need to draft abstracts during the time he usually devotes to searching the land records. He can't do the work if he does not have the time available. The land records offices are government offices that operate during strictly observed hours...9Am to 5PM....8:30 AM to 4:30 PM or whatever. In the smaller communities these offices operate on an even more limited part time basis.
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