Hi Robert.... :)
To all concerned, I was one of the attendees at the formation conference. The structure of NALTEA is excellent as it is. It must be understood by everyone though - it was an ORGANIZATIONAL conference. Practically none of the people had ever met each other personally - by phone and those who were already acquainted knew each other - but as far the rest of us, we were swimming with blinders on. We did not know personalities, experience, or motivation. We only saw enthusiasm. And we knew more than anything, enthusiasm was required to move forward. For me personally, Jay and I are in direct competition with each other here in St Louis - but I would not change my vote that day for anything. As far as the future, it really depends on many things. The Board that was elected put a lot of time and effort and an incredible amount of enthusiasm into organizing NALTEA orgiinally. I am very guilty of not having the time (I am sorry guys) to be more of a productive member; and not being able to attend conferences. We are a very small organization and very busy at this time of the year.
As time moves on, I am sure that NALTEA will be fine tuned by our input and opinions. Certification for a nationwide organization of Abstractors is an incredible undertaking. From Shannon's posts, I think she takes it very seriously and has put a lot of time and effort into it. Part of the problem may very well be that the Certification process was pushed into "being" - and something that important should be considered carefully and the creation understaken with time to consider all the ramifications - with the Board having tme to input in its process.
The bottom line is that no one should be critical of actions by the Board or Officers unless they are ready to step up and take responsiblity for assuming those duties. That's why the members have a vote - and the members will determine where NALTEA goes from this point. I was not overly supportive originally because I felt that opening the membership to such a vague group - really was taking from filling Abstractor needs. Examiners from title companies have entirely different needs to address - they normally have education and benefits at their disposal thru the company they work for. Vendor Manager companies are the same way, and not too concerned with the "little guy". I am not saying these people should not be allowed memberships - I just question granting them voting rights.
I have hoped for such an organization as NALTEA for many years, and I look forward to its progress into a viable, informative and powerful influence in the industry. Unfortunately, there are many people without experience or the patience to learn that growing pains are tough. This is a baby who has just experienced the pains of birth - its' just learning to stand on its feet. With the support of those it strives to represent, it can be a valuable asset to Abstractors in this country.
Ellen M Malloy
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