LaWanda, I am not trying to be rude or defensive about anything. Why would you say you are not important in my world? I think that every member or prospective member is important! That is why we are always asking for ideas and input on what we are trying to accomplish.
To answer your questions, I am 33. I have been in this industry since the day I graduated high school.
I am always trying to be positive about things. I am sorry if I came across as defensive. A personality flaw of mine when I am nervous speaking in front of a crowd of people. Though I think the Dallas speaking went better for me.
Nothing is "my way or no way" If it were, nothing would be getting done or approved and I would not be in this position I am in. I always want input. What I presented was not my way. It was with the boards approval that we have what we have.
The certification guidelines and requirements were approved over 6 months ago and the test was taken by the board about 3-4 weeks or so ago. We did remove some questions and re worded some questions. I DID NOT create the test my self. The questions came from board members, other members, some here from source of title and from some companies who were willing to help. We have more questions than what were on the test we administered here in Va Beach. I have some state specific questions as well. But those will be introduced once the on line process is running.
The board will be receiving more questions as I get them typed up so that they can look them over.
And after this past weekend, I have more people wanting to help out the committee so I am sure there will be more questions to add to the data base soon.
What sort of an outside group are you referring to? I do not understand? You think that the members should not be the people to create the test? I am not sure what you mean. Any other suggestions are more than welcome.
So in conclusion, we are all trying to work together for the benifit of everyone. Any ideas and suggestions are always welcome.
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