I heard a lot of the same concerns. I was reminded why the officers are selected by the board. The way the Code of Regulation reads, "All officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors... Officers shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board." It is my understanding that this is the way most organizations operate and the reason is that the board has the authority to replace an officer, due to resignation, death, or lack of performance, without holding a special membership meeting and holding new elections.
It makes sense - the officers hold very important positions and they have a lot of responsibilities. The Board needs to know that they have people in those positions that will take their duties seriously and the Board also needs to be able to take action if they need to replace an officer.
It is nice to know that the members want to be more involved in this process and we will be discussing it on our next Board meeting. I can think of a couple of solutions that may work. Such as, allowing the membership to vote on those positions, but allow the Board to make changes in the interim terms with an 80% vote (4 out of 5).
Thanks for the input LaWanda,
Robert A. Franco
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