I agree with Michael, who I happen to do work for, and cannot understand why vendor managers and such want us to lower our fees on a daily basis. Asking questions like that is sure not an incentive for the abstractor to rush the job or even to do a quality job because they feel degraded in every sense of the word!
Everyone has heard "you get what you pay for", well that is very true in our industry of abstractors and examiners.
Vendor managers and other clients have to realize that a company is not going to prioritize your search if you are asking $35 when another company is willing to pay you your requested fee of lets say $60 and believe me it happens!
I have prioritized clients based on work volume and, especially, fees because they seem to be clients that complain the most anyway.
Clients that appreciate our work have no problem paying a little more for a quality product instead of a client who punishes you and reduces your volume for having an order on their desk in 36 hours for $35.
NALTEA has listened to this discussion a time or two and feels something does need to be done throughout the industry to combat this ongoing scenario.
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