My wife is the member here, I work for SanDisk, so I thought I would help you guys out. Previous post is correct about USB 1.1 vs. 2.0. For a laptop you must use a PC card adapter to get the BUS (transfer rate)speed of USB 2.0. Suggestion to preserve wirekless is use a USB Dongle for WiFi rather than a PC card adapter. The USB dongle (check Linksys - its a USB cable connected to a small box shaped antenna) will run off USB 1.1 without a perofmrance hit for Wi-Fi and your slot can give you USB 2.0 USB connection speed. On some SanDisk USB drives (not sure which sizes) there is an application called CruzerSync that also allows you to carry your Outlook PST file to any computer you are on. That means your Outlook will travel with you. Good luck
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