You make valid points...but sadly, the independent abstractor is on their way to extinction....................
And to hope for uniformity? ..................idealistic at best
People will do what they need to do to survive
The same people(in my experience, and not implying *you*) blowing the trumpets loudest are the same ones secretly undercutting and running around trying to cover their asses in the social side of's very amusing to watch....and sad at the same time.
I may be looking at this from a different view point.
I've always treated this profession as a business......
In that respect, I see liitle growth and prosperity in the future
BUT.....if you look at the profession as a JOB...I guess you'll be OK.
If you are an abstractor with experience in running your own business and you are successful, you can do SO much in related fields....don't just settle for a JOB anymore....go contribute where you can grow and make a difference......we all have the capacity to make an impact in some way.
And before anyone gets all bent out of shape.......if this resonates with you fine....if it doesn't...the message wasn't for you in the first place
Just my .00000002 cents worth
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