Thanks for your response, Suzannah.
That falls right in line with the $45.00 we charge for a current owner, and the $110 we get for a full 60-year title.
After taking an informal poll of my fellow searchers in the thirteen county area we service, I think we're very competitive as far as price. Furthermore, I think that the typwritten report we furnish is a cut above average, if I do say so myself.
I hope Robert & Co. will forgive me for "blowing my own horn" in the General Discussion Forum; I'm just pointing out that we try our best to offer our clients an outstanding value for their dollar. My reason in asking about the extra premium was to sort of "test the market" to see if it's worth exploring further.
Thanks again for your reply, Suzannah. I'm considering different ways that we might be able to offer our clients such a guarantee without too much added expense.
Scott L. Perry, President
Jireh Business Information Solutions, Inc.
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