Just to let you know, I continued to do work for them in spite of the fact they were slow paying figuring they were having a hard time last year because of the economy. I like to believe most people are basicly honest and will eventually pay their bills, but I dared to ask and receive a payment for last years work. Since then I am with you in the fact that Bill has been unresponsive to my invoices, phone-calls (he is ALWAYS not at his desk), e-mails, statements. I haven't received any orders since then. They sent 103 orders to me this year and I have not been paid ANY of the fees for the last 103 orders I did for them. If they at least had the courtesy to respond, one could help them work thru their troubles, but without a response, what are we suppose to believe? Perhaps they didn't pay their phone bill as well, so they can't call (or for thet matter e-mail) us as to when we can expect to be paid.
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