Tammy Don't feel bad that Lena does not answer the phone at the number you supplied. You are trying to help everyone. If anything, maybe I need to apologize to you for using your name to pick up the thread. I would like to believe they will eventually pay for the work we do for them, but it shows a complete disrespect to all of us who try to work with them thru their problems, if indeed they are having problems. I thought about calling the banks in the area about them, but have been reluctant to cause them more harm than they are already doing to themselves on their own. While they may think they are getting away with this, it no doubt will come back to haunt them in the end. It may come in the fact that they no will longer find a competant searcher to do their work. Also, if they did not pay for a search and it later comes to a claim, they will have no recourse to the searcher. Thanks to all of you for your input.
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