Point well taken - no ruffled feathers. I do understand that people want to feel like they are getting tangible benefits for their dues. However, as a new association you have to have members before you can get the benefits. The Member Benefits Committee has been working on lining up a national discount program for E&O and has been investigating health care, also. The first question these companies ask is "how many members do you have?" NALTEA has to have enough members to make it worth their while to develop a program specifically for us.
Likewise, the E&O insurers want to know what makes us worthy of a discount. We have to show them that we have a training/certification program in place that makes us less of a risk to justify the reduced rate. That takes members and participation to develop.
I understand that some people want to see the benefits before they join, but realistically - if everyone said that the programs would be impossible to bring about. Someone has to step up to make it happen.
This is not the time be "selfish" - we need more people do be "selfless" and help with the efforts. NALTEA isn't offering dinner or desert, we are asking for help in making the meal. To make a more accurate analogy: "Before you make a meal, you have to buy the groceries." -and- "If you don't help with the cooking - don't complain about your entrée."
Just my opinion,
Robert A. Franco
P.S. I understand your participation in the Bar Association and I agree that your interests are better represented there. However, there is nothing that says you can't belong to both organizations. I start law school on Monday and I just filled out my application to the Ohio Bar Association as a Student/Associate Member. I think I will benefit from both associations in different ways.
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