There were 105 attendees at the Dallas conference last January. I believe there were between 50-60 in Virginia Beach. There are many reasons for the decline in attendance - mainly I think the summer months are just more difficult to get away from the business and there are also family vacations to content with.
I have heard "rumors" that some people chose not to attend the Virginia Beach conference because they didn't like way the certification program was laid out. I can certainly understand that some people wouldn't be happy with it - it is an attempt at something new. No organization has ever assembled a national certification program for abstractors before.
That is all the more reason to get involved. Email the board - Let us know what you like or don't like. Help us get it right. It is obvious that many people are concerned about the trends in our end of the title industry. NALTEA is a way to provide input into solving those issues.
Robert A. Franco
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