Why are you letting companies dictate your prices - this is your business. Do you not think your clients value your competence enough to keep you? If they do not, you don't need them anyway - somewhere down the line they will screw you if they are that way in the beginning. Just raise your prices, no certain surcharge, etc. to what you need to run a profitable business. The more the abstractors don't take their pricing into their own hands, the more problems we will have down the road. You may experience some feedback, some drops but I have found that it only made me go for a more diverse client base and proved to be rewarding both in my personal growth, i.e., setting boundaries where boundaries need to be set - pricing (anyone dropping prices is letting someone take advantage of you); kicking myself in the butt - (not a pretty site-lol) and getting out there and searching for leads, meeting new people, making new contacts both locally and nationwide which obviously led to professional growth. In the beginning it looks like huge mountain to climb but after all said and done you look down and the climb looks so small you wonder what made you hesitate.
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