The funding is the greatest cause for concern, especially when trying to launch a full grown national company from day one. But I wonder if we couldn't take this idea, break it into smaller parts and let it fund itself in some ways.
For example, cooperative marketing to the banks or anyone else need not cost any more than marketing one company at a time. This is the concept I had when I expanded my own site to include TXDILAR . This is just a directory to help my clients find independent abstractors who live and work in or near the counties they serve. This was not selfless marketing on my part. I knew if someone came to TXDILAR looking for an independent local abstractor they were likely to find exactly who they were looking for. If it were in one of the counties we serve, they would find Davick Services. If it wasn't then I had stilled helped a potential client and they were likely to return to TXDILAR the next time they needed someone. Eventually they would need someone in one of my little rural counties.
I know this is very small and simple in comparison to what you are proposing but the concept seems similar in that it is independent local abstractors coming together to create something better for ourselves and our clients.
I don't know if this is helpful or can be applied in any small way to your proposal but I hope it is and can be.
David Bloys
Davick Services
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