Gladys if all you have done is signings in your past you are not qualified to do an abstracting business. Telling someone where to sign and knowing all about real estate transactions, legal structures, etc are 2 different things. All abstractors that stay in business know their work - they have education - paralegal degrees or many, many years in the title industry - such as at a title company. Those that think they can go out after doing notary signings alone will ultimately end up with multiple claims for missed items on a search. There are laws that govern each type of instrument, each type of transaction, statutes of limitations, the ability to "know" what is missing just because you know everything from corporate structure to lawsuits. It is not just about the name of the person. I'm sorry if I'm not like Shannon - I'm a really straight forward person and will tell someone when they are barking up the wrong tree without extensive experience - I just have seen all the mess that inexperienced abstractors have left behind - leaves me shaking my head almost every day. Do the general public a favor - don't attempt something that you are not qualified to do - get training - extensive training first.
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