Well according to a search on the internet on hurricanes, they are an act of the devil not God and has a bibical reference to back that presumption up.
As to all of those SOT members that have been affected by this hurricane, maybe we, as fellow SOT abstractors can make a special effort of support in donations, either monetary or otherwise, to help SOT members - that is when I will call us sticking together. I know there will be some sort of federal funding but there will be nothing to cover everything that happens to these people and they cannot work right now - there is no place to work. If there homes are gone - then maybe all their office equipment is too. How many of us have an extra computer or printer just sitting there because we upgraded or whatever. I would like to know if there is any abstractor that is affected by this and can we help you with anything? There are so many things we could do - pay for a night at a hotel, gift certificates for restaurants - and I am sure you all could think of ideas - what do you all say to that?
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