Hey Scott,
I would have to do some research to come up with the statue on whether the Deed of Trust would be considered satisfied after a particular length of time.
The main point is we are NOT, paid at that level to interpret the law. We abstract what is on record. We have run into the same type of searches where the mortgage is back in the 60's and 70's and we know in our heart that it has been satisfied since the property has either been sold with Warranty Deeds or refinanced numerous times, BUT that is not our job. To suggest corrections or ignore what we have found is only inviting trouble.
We must report all recorded open unsatisfied mortgages regardless of the passage of time for our own sakes. That is what we, as abstractors, are paid to do, report what is found in the records, not to interpret the law. We already know we are not paid enough just to abstract the records, with no law degree, no additional payment and no additional protection, why would we bring on the additional work and risk upon ourselves?
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