Mr. Sheppard:
It is apparent that, in your view, everyone has the right to his or her own opinion except for me, since I am one of those evil conservative right-wing Christians. You have the right to believe that the Bible is "fictitious", but when I exercise my First Amendment right of self-expression, it is somehow "unprofessional".
The fact of the matter is that any archaeological scholar will attest that the Bible is an historically accurate text.
It was Jesus Christ, not me, who said, "I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6 KJV) Notice that He didn't say "Mother".
Furthermore, I am constrained to point out that I prefaced my remarks by saying that, "I and others who visit this forum are happy to pray for your family and others who have been forced to evacuate". I suppose you didn't see that.
As to your assertion that I am trying to "create a dictatorship of a public forum", what exactly does that mean? I'm still having trouble figuring that one out. If you think that freedom means being able to express an opinion without question or scrutiny from others, then you need to brush up on your American History,
In closing, I suppose what you're telling me is that because I have expressed a belief which you personally find repugnant, you refuse to do business with me. Fair enough. If I'm going to be judged for my beliefs, so be it. Pay us what you owe for the work we performed on your behalf, and we'll part company.
Be well,
Scott L. Perry
(P.S. to Judy Nisonger: I do owe you an apology for the timing of my remark. You and I have had our differences in the past, but I shouldn't have hit you with that while you are concerned that your family is in harm's way. I really am praying for them.)
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