Good advice Wanda. We have seen some of our clients begin to put a little form on their initial orders that includes a place for us to enter the fee and copy charges. They also put the fee they have in their records at the top of their forms.
This has been very helpful for us and our clients don't have to wait for the invoice to know the copies cost. We liked the idea so much, I developed a little electronic stamp we sometimes add to the costumers orders that gives us a place to include this information. We included a place on the little stamp to include an invoice number so now we can include this as well even before the invoice itself is generated.
Some clients have asked us to include the invoice with the order. I don't like this as much. We like to return the orders in real time and this requirement causes us to have to wait until an invoice can be generated. Sometimes this can be many hours after the report was completed.
David Bloys
Davick Services
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