I'm finding this conversation to be very interesting. I am a small abstract company. Me. That's it. I've worked in this industry for 5 years and just this past year went solo. When I fax any work back to a client I always include a cover letter with the company name on it, to a specific person and then I always indicate their order #, and the name of the people involved. After it's been faxed and I have confirmation on my end the fax went through I always stamp it faxed, with the time it went out and the date. I have had companies call asking for the work, I can tell them when it was faxed by time and date and to whom. You would not believe how many orders are found, on that desk when you have exact sending data for them. Just had to respond, thank you for the space to allow this kind of interchange.
Sue Matson
Walker, MN
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