Thanks to both of you for the information you recite- and all can be considered to be valid statements and arguments. I work with in the system that is provided to me by way of the counties I access. The counties provide the information in the most secure fashion that all of their combined secured methods afford and they feel is safe for subscriber access. There is nothing I can do, as a patron of any of the courthouses, that would protect any of the information contained behind the vaulted doors of the record rooms any more or less than I presently do.There is no place for me do "police" the land records anymore than I already do.I can either choose to accept it as secure as it is and work with it or not and do the driving-distance is not the problem you both are concerned with- unfortunately there is nothing within my ability that I can do to make the system any more or less safe- let alone all the people sitting in the record rooms from 7-5 each day and coping down what ever they find inside the vault.There is always the fact that we can just shut things down and go back to the way we used to search titles in all the respective counties- take a few giant leaps backward too- just a business decision that might take some a bit of time to come to grips with- we can always go back to 5 in floppys too-
I have spent the last 20 yrs trying to make my business more effecient and streamlined. Developing a titleplant database that can provide fast and accurate data for cases I am requested to do, the online systems were a natural addition to becoming more efficient and as that implies, I can provide a product in a much shorter time and with far greater accuracy than I have ever been able to do or was ever able to provide in the "old" days- some may not agree, but my clients seem to like it and that is what is important in the end.
Just my opinion, and I am open to improvement or suggestions from anyone- just helps everyone!
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