Scott: Each one of the great people that responded it sure was an argument for "on-line" clerks offices like we have in some of the Northern Virginia counties- no lines no per page copy fees, no copiers being down or broken and no one to blame but your self for not getting something done.We are charged a fee for each county , and some have pushed the upper limits on how much to charge, but for the most part we recoup those extra fees in a short time- and certainly save on all the travel that I used to do- now I get up and walk the few steps to work-instead of the previous drive of up to 250 miles per day, which I read a lot of fellow abstractors are still forced to do.Believe me- there might be some concerns with "on-line" systems- but those concerns are not something I have any control over and they do not slow me down either- it has been the best thing we have had thrown at us down here since the fax was introduced- and now that is obsolete-thank goodness for document quality's sake.
Just my input for those that have doubts about being on line and working with the different systems. All a big plus from lifting those books and running all over the place.
Steve Meinecke/Ia-Titlefax
Northern Virginia counties
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