First of all, I'd like to thank each and every one of you who has responded. Since my original post, I have found out "through the grapevine" that the local abstractors in the county in question have formed a sort of alliance with the county Bar Association to try to resolve some of the issues of which I wrote. I have purposely refrained from naming the county because there are some good people there who do what they can to make life easier for us, and I wouldn't want to jeopardize their livelihoods.
First, the Bar Association has asked the County Commissioners for permission to install their own coin-operated copier in the storage facility. The proceeds generated by the use of the copier would be used by the Bar Association to re-image the older documents and indices (this time with better quality control).
I also understand that the CBA is also trying to get at least a few desks and better lighting in the storage facility. Beyond that, I don't hold out much hope for any substantial changes. In my opinion, the local county officials, for the most part, are "political hacks" who are part of an elite circle, and can pretty much do as they please with little or no accountability. They count on the ignorance and apathy of the public to maintain their little "fiefdoms".
That's why I think it incumbent upon us to educate those within our sphere of influence with regard to what a Prothonotary does (for those outside PA, that's our term for the clerk of the civil court), and likewise with a Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills, and so on. Those of us in the business have a unique perspective on the issues I've raised, but most people don't realize the impact that these local elections can have on their daily lives.
This is the main reason I am submitting my application for membership in NALTEA. Before anyone accuses me of being a "plant", no one, and I mean absolutely no one has put me up to this, and I have no stake in whether or not you follow my lead. Just keep this in mind the next time you do a search in a county where they don't make adequate resources available for you to properly do your job.
Just one man's opinion.
Scott Perry
Jireh Business Information Solutions, Inc.
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