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beware NC abstractors change is in the making - Donna Grady/NC
9/27/2005 11:50:33 PM (2575 views)
Re: beware NC abstractors change is in the making - Scott Perry/PA
9/28/2005 12:01:50 AM (3400 views)
Re: beware NC abstractors change is in the making - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/28/2005 3:12:31 AM (3414 views)
Re: beware NC abstractors change is in the making - Donna Grady/NC
9/28/2005 11:21:29 AM (3326 views)
Re: beware NC abstractors change is in the making - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/29/2005 10:20:03 AM (3330 views)

Sorry about that, chief... - Robert Franco/OH
9/27/2005 10:44:56 AM (2559 views)
Re: Sorry about that, chief... - Patrick Scott/IL
9/27/2005 12:43:58 PM (3243 views)
Re: Sorry about that, chief... - Douglas Gallant/OH
9/27/2005 5:47:01 PM (3292 views)
Re: Sorry about that, chief... - Scott Perry/PA
9/27/2005 6:11:54 PM (3247 views)
Re: Sorry about that, chief... - Helene/GA
9/27/2005 10:51:01 PM (3237 views)

Title Abstracting Software - Deborah Manion/VA
9/27/2005 9:10:43 AM (2167 views)

3 Hour Title Search! - Robert Franco/OH
9/26/2005 10:40:57 AM (2677 views)
Re: 3 Hour Title Search! - David Bloys/TX
9/26/2005 12:53:38 PM (3479 views)
Re: 3 Hour Title Search! - Robert Franco/OH
9/26/2005 1:09:24 PM (4850 views)
Re: 3 Hour Title Search! - Amy Holder/NJ
9/26/2005 1:26:19 PM (3434 views)

Title Abstracting Software - Scott Perry/PA
9/25/2005 11:32:38 PM (4817 views)
Re: Title Abstracting Software - robert oberley/PA
9/28/2005 11:20:40 PM (3345 views)
Re: Title Abstracting Software - george Hubka/MI
10/3/2005 8:45:52 PM (3249 views)

Real Title Services

9/23/2005 11:01:20 PM (2261 views)
Re: WHERE TO BUY YOUR GAS - Spencer Kinsey/AR
9/26/2005 3:53:32 PM (4521 views)
9/26/2005 4:04:42 PM (3142 views)
Re: WHERE TO BUY YOUR GAS - Douglas Gallant/OH
9/26/2005 6:00:05 PM (3106 views)
9/26/2005 7:24:33 PM (3208 views)
Re: WHERE TO BUY YOUR GAS - Spencer Kinsey/AR
9/26/2005 11:44:25 PM (3155 views)

India Call - Jason Sheppard/PA
9/23/2005 12:46:40 PM (2494 views)
Re: India Call - Robert Franco/OH
9/23/2005 1:02:12 PM (3232 views)
Re: India Call - David Bloys/TX
9/23/2005 1:45:47 PM (3302 views)
Re: India Call - Steve Schneider/IN
9/23/2005 7:28:33 PM (3280 views)
Re: India Call - Rachel Malone/PA
9/24/2005 9:54:06 AM (3286 views)
Re: India Call - Kevin Ahern/CT
9/24/2005 10:07:44 AM (3317 views)
Re: India Call - John OConnor/IL
9/26/2005 11:28:46 AM (4487 views)
Re: India Call - Robert Franco/OH
9/26/2005 11:36:57 AM (4778 views)
Re: India Call - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/27/2005 9:06:20 AM (3258 views)
Re: India Call - Helene/GA
9/27/2005 11:04:07 PM (3243 views)
Re: India Call - J Nisonger/CA
9/29/2005 12:45:29 AM (3189 views)
Re: India Call - george Hubka/MI
10/3/2005 8:36:38 PM (3108 views)
Re: India Call - Jason Sheppard/PA
10/3/2005 8:50:50 PM (3209 views)
Re: India Call - Scott Perry/PA
10/3/2005 8:56:38 PM (3216 views)
Re: India Call - J Nisonger/CA
10/3/2005 10:23:09 PM (3214 views)

Spell check - J Nisonger/CA
9/23/2005 2:58:41 AM (2390 views)
Re: Spell check - monica froese/ME
9/23/2005 3:25:40 PM (3197 views)
Re: Spell check - J Nisonger/CA
9/24/2005 3:44:04 PM (3170 views)
Re: Spell check - george Hubka/MI
10/3/2005 8:39:10 PM (2959 views)
Re: Spell check - J Nisonger/CA
10/3/2005 10:26:24 PM (2986 views)

Family in harms way again - J Nisonger/CA
9/23/2005 2:43:26 AM (2489 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Scott Perry/PA
9/23/2005 7:53:22 AM (3077 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Kevin Ahern/CT
9/23/2005 8:44:45 AM (3093 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - J Nisonger/CA
9/23/2005 9:52:19 AM (3093 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Jason Sheppard/PA
9/23/2005 12:49:43 PM (3146 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - J Nisonger/CA
9/29/2005 1:07:40 AM (3025 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Jason Sheppard/PA
9/24/2005 3:02:38 AM (3151 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Scott Perry/PA
9/24/2005 2:44:29 PM (3195 views)

Mr. Sheppard:

It is apparent that, in your view, everyone has the right to his or her own opinion except for me, since I am one of those evil conservative right-wing Christians.  You have the right to believe that the Bible is "fictitious", but when I exercise my First Amendment right of self-expression, it is somehow "unprofessional".

The fact of the matter is that any archaeological scholar will attest that the Bible is an historically accurate text.

It was Jesus Christ, not me, who said, "I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  (John 14:6 KJV)  Notice that He didn't say "Mother".

Furthermore, I am constrained to point out that I prefaced my remarks by saying that, "I and others who visit this forum are happy to pray for your family and others who have been forced to evacuate".  I suppose you didn't see that.

As to your assertion that I am trying to "create a dictatorship of a public forum", what exactly does that mean?  I'm still having trouble figuring that one out.  If you think that freedom means being able to express an opinion without question or scrutiny from others, then you need to brush up on your American History,

In closing, I suppose what you're telling me is that because I have expressed a belief which you personally find repugnant, you refuse to do business with me.  Fair enough.  If I'm going to be judged for my beliefs, so be it.  Pay us what you owe for the work we performed on your behalf, and we'll part company.

Be well,
Scott L. Perry

(P.S. to Judy Nisonger: I do owe you an apology for the timing of my remark.  You and I have had our differences in the past, but I shouldn't have hit you with that while you are concerned that your family is in harm's way.  I really am praying for them.)

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Re: Family in harms way again - Jason Sheppard/PA
9/24/2005 3:47:36 PM (3161 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Scott Perry/PA
9/24/2005 4:32:47 PM (3216 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/25/2005 10:14:54 AM (3077 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Scott Perry/PA
9/25/2005 1:05:00 PM (3120 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/25/2005 4:18:44 PM (3040 views)
Re: Family in harms way again - David Bloys/TX
9/25/2005 5:25:50 PM (3267 views)

9/22/2005 7:24:12 PM (2013 views)

Rita Wishes: Best of Luck Texas and Louisiana - Jason Sheppard/PA
9/22/2005 4:57:03 PM (2026 views)

Parts of Ohio land rights now being claimed by Indians - Jason Sheppard/PA
9/22/2005 4:19:59 PM (1885 views)

Gas Prices Going Up Again? - Robert Franco/OH
9/22/2005 11:29:19 AM (3090 views)
Re: Gas Prices Going Up Again? - Danielle Nelson/WI
9/22/2005 2:17:28 PM (3017 views)
Re: Gas Prices Going Up Again? - Scott Perry/PA
9/22/2005 6:21:29 PM (3030 views)

New Abstractor needs help - Brett/GA
9/22/2005 11:03:41 AM (2414 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - christine/MA
9/22/2005 3:10:01 PM (3322 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - David Bloys/TX
9/22/2005 3:51:56 PM (3332 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - monica froese/ME
9/23/2005 12:02:23 AM (3146 views)
Re: Monica - J Nisonger/CA
9/23/2005 3:01:12 AM (3135 views)
Re: Monica - monica froese/ME
9/23/2005 3:24:17 PM (3120 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - J Nisonger/CA
9/23/2005 2:57:50 AM (3109 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - Brett Merrill/GA
9/23/2005 9:45:39 PM (3087 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - J Nisonger/CA
9/24/2005 3:41:25 PM (3178 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/25/2005 10:19:26 AM (3097 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - Brett Merrill/GA
9/25/2005 6:43:41 PM (3256 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - Scott Perry/PA
9/25/2005 8:55:18 PM (3216 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - David Bloys/TX
9/25/2005 9:25:25 PM (3052 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/26/2005 9:13:03 AM (2997 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - Helene/GA
9/27/2005 12:02:43 AM (3020 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - J Nisonger/CA
9/27/2005 12:34:18 PM (2965 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - LAWANDA MCMILLIAN/AR
9/27/2005 8:58:59 PM (2928 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - J Nisonger/CA
9/30/2005 1:08:05 PM (2886 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/27/2005 9:32:17 PM (2928 views)
Re: New Abstractor needs help - J Nisonger/CA
9/30/2005 1:21:33 PM (2825 views)

United States Title Corp. - Debra Adkins/VA
9/21/2005 3:51:50 PM (1992 views)

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