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New Twist on an Old Con - Jay Duncan/MO
11/3/2005 8:01:20 PM (2698 views)
Re: New Twist on an Old Con - Scott Perry/PA
11/3/2005 8:23:59 PM (3643 views)
Re: New Twist on an Old Con - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
11/3/2005 8:42:56 PM (5318 views)
Re: New Twist on an Old Con - Jay Duncan/MO
11/3/2005 9:15:58 PM (3634 views)
Re: New Twist on an Old Con - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
11/3/2005 9:49:13 PM (3664 views)

Employee gas expenses - Deborah Manion/VA
11/3/2005 11:12:44 AM (2914 views)
Re: Employee gas expenses - Jay Duncan/MO
11/3/2005 11:35:28 AM (3653 views)
Re: Employee gas expenses - Lisa Ramsey/TX
11/3/2005 9:11:38 PM (3698 views)
Re: Employee gas expenses - Robert Franco/OH
11/3/2005 11:41:38 AM (3660 views)
Re: Employee gas expenses - Douglas Gallant/OH
11/3/2005 7:05:10 PM (3607 views)
Re: Employee gas expenses - Tammy Knight/MO
11/3/2005 11:54:17 PM (3633 views)
Re: Employee gas expenses - Steve Schneider/IN
11/4/2005 10:39:59 AM (3564 views)
Re: Employee gas expenses - Shannon Blatt/VA
11/6/2005 3:01:02 PM (3619 views)

Any input on this company?? - Michaela Urban/OH
11/2/2005 10:37:08 PM (2764 views)
Re: Any input on this company?? - Scott Perry/PA
11/2/2005 10:48:00 PM (3651 views)
Re: Any input on this company?? - Jay Duncan/MO
11/3/2005 12:15:49 AM (3599 views)
Re: Any input on this company?? - Kurt deVries/FL
11/3/2005 11:28:55 AM (3653 views)
Re: Any input on this company?? - Paul Hughes/RI
11/3/2005 12:58:05 PM (3612 views)
Re: Any input on this company?? - Tammy Knight/MO
11/3/2005 1:36:20 PM (3657 views)

TO KURT DeVRIES - Scott Perry/PA
11/2/2005 5:11:31 PM (2844 views)
Re: TO KURT DeVRIES - Kurt deVries/FL
11/3/2005 11:25:36 AM (3750 views)

Doesn't anyone read the Replies ??? - Mike Giordano/NY
11/2/2005 1:56:34 PM (2729 views)
Re: Doesn't anyone read the Replies ??? - David Bloys/TX
11/2/2005 2:17:31 PM (3768 views)
Re: Doesn't anyone read the Replies ??? - Mike Giordano/NY
11/2/2005 2:30:01 PM (3677 views)
Re: Doesn't anyone read the Replies ??? - Robert Franco/OH
11/2/2005 2:43:34 PM (3673 views)
Re: Doesn't anyone read the Replies ??? - Scott Perry/PA
11/2/2005 5:01:34 PM (3651 views)
Re: Doesn't anyone read the Replies ??? - Michaela Urban/OH
11/3/2005 1:13:30 PM (3654 views)

What's Your Opinion of the Title Industry? - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
11/2/2005 1:13:59 PM (2733 views)
Re: What's Your Opinion of the Title Industry? - Kurt deVries/FL
11/2/2005 3:33:01 PM (3637 views)

John O'Connor's Spotlight - Robert Franco/OH
11/2/2005 11:47:19 AM (2659 views)
Re: John O'Connor's Spotlight - Patrick Scott/IL
11/2/2005 1:22:56 PM (3648 views)
Re: John O'Connor's Spotlight - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
11/2/2005 1:32:20 PM (3668 views)
Re: John O'Connor's Spotlight - Donna Grady/NC
11/2/2005 11:28:32 PM (3638 views)

First American - Tammy Knight/MO
11/1/2005 11:37:47 PM (2968 views)
Re: First American - Russ Frye/GA
11/7/2005 3:43:06 PM (3913 views)
Re: First American - J Nisonger/CA
11/13/2005 3:53:44 AM (3825 views)
Re: First American - terri hurst/NC
11/27/2005 10:22:53 AM (3948 views)

Proposing A Ratings Bonanza! - Jason Sheppard/PA
11/1/2005 1:47:40 PM (3338 views)

First Merit Settlement Services, Inc...... - Matt Papsch/MD
10/31/2005 4:02:57 PM (3208 views)
Re: First Merit Settlement Services, Inc...... - Annette Dorty/PA
10/31/2005 6:36:32 PM (4041 views)
Re: First Merit Settlement Services, Inc...... - Kurt deVries/FL
11/1/2005 11:03:33 AM (4031 views)
Re: First Merit Settlement Services, Inc...... - Laurie E/MD
11/1/2005 4:25:18 PM (3922 views)
Re: First Merit Settlement Services, Inc...... - Matt Papsch/MD
11/1/2005 10:52:12 PM (4151 views)

You mean I have to pay for it?? - Robert Franco/OH
10/31/2005 1:25:11 PM (2867 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Matthew DeLand/NY
10/31/2005 1:39:14 PM (4109 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - David Nixon/MA
10/31/2005 4:56:47 PM (3920 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Rachel Malone/PA
11/1/2005 7:18:01 AM (3772 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Kevin Ahern/CT
11/1/2005 8:25:04 AM (3925 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Kurt deVries/FL
11/1/2005 11:00:56 AM (3835 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Kelli Gorman/TX
11/1/2005 12:59:42 PM (3855 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - David Nixon/MA
11/1/2005 2:27:05 PM (3855 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - george Hubka/MI
11/3/2005 5:37:02 AM (3827 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Kelli Gorman/TX
11/6/2005 1:39:05 AM (3819 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - george Hubka/MI
11/3/2005 5:24:23 AM (3772 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Tammy Knight/MO
11/3/2005 1:40:35 PM (3790 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Phyllis Agan/GA
11/5/2005 1:00:14 PM (3769 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Scott Perry/PA
11/5/2005 3:11:22 PM (3820 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - David Bloys/TX
11/5/2005 6:24:53 PM (3812 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - Scott Perry/PA
11/5/2005 10:12:02 PM (3859 views)
Re: You mean I have to pay for it?? - David Bloys/TX
11/6/2005 8:39:14 AM (3821 views)

Red Vision article on SOT - Donna Grady/NC
10/30/2005 1:05:13 AM (3232 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/30/2005 6:03:27 AM (4080 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - David Bloys/TX
10/30/2005 9:55:34 AM (4062 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/30/2005 11:01:49 AM (4031 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/30/2005 11:10:18 AM (3997 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Jan Forster/NC
10/30/2005 11:20:44 AM (4038 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - David Bloys/TX
10/30/2005 11:57:34 AM (4050 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - David Bloys/TX
10/30/2005 11:47:41 AM (3817 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - David Bloys/TX
10/30/2005 11:40:40 AM (5519 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/30/2005 12:26:09 PM (4071 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - David Bloys/TX
10/30/2005 12:56:30 PM (4144 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Donna Grady/NC
10/30/2005 10:07:33 PM (3932 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - David Bloys/TX
10/30/2005 10:42:07 PM (3964 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Matthew DeLand/NY
10/31/2005 1:25:57 PM (3919 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Robert Franco/OH
10/31/2005 1:59:55 PM (4086 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Matthew DeLand/NY
10/31/2005 2:44:27 PM (4159 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Jan Forster/NC
10/31/2005 3:01:15 PM (3920 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - David Bloys/TX
10/31/2005 11:07:46 PM (3788 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Kevin Ahern/CT
11/2/2005 7:52:40 AM (3839 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Michaela Urban/OH
11/3/2005 1:48:08 PM (3727 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Kevin Ahern/CT
11/3/2005 3:49:00 PM (3706 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Michaela Urban/OH
11/3/2005 10:06:55 PM (3831 views)
I would rather wait tables or be a bartender than be an appraiser. Perhaps I could become a private detective or something, that would be more interesting for me. My mom WAS going to be a licensed appraiser and I know she spent many evenings gone and driving all over hell and back (trust me - I have heard many stories of being on roads that don't exist on maps). I wouldn't be surprised if something like Texas Chainsaw Massacre was going on in some of these farms around here, and yet I am supposed to drive there (or by) to go appraise someone's house? Why bother, I am sure you can probably do it online (lol)!!! Not to say your idea is terrible or anything, but I would rather move on than hang out working in real estate. Wait - what (or who) exactly says I have to leave my job anyway???

I love abstracting. It is the type of business where you have to use your head, literally. I guess now someone who sits at a computer desk is becoming more valuable than someone who actually goes out and does the job right. This is a profession being down-graded to a big fat zero. Why even bother doing title searches - let's just eliminate any laws that say it needs done while we are at it. Obviously no one cares if they buy a nightmare property - heck a twelve year old in Nigeria could be doing title searches. Yet someone would say that is what free trade is all about!!!! I am just irritated since professionals want to push for things like abstractors being certified (or some equivalent), and then turn around and say technology is going to put us out of business. So what is the point???

That Red Vision article was rather interesting though. I don't know how things are in Florida or Texas, but what they are doing there might never happen in some places in Ohio. We are too behind in the stone ages and some people in power like it that way. That is fine by me. My mom who works in Southern Ohio has some counties online, but even now some counties have REMOVED certain records. To do a full search (for me and her) means driving to a courthouse (oh no!) and physically pulling records. If we were to "minimize our manual effort" than I ask why any effort at all?? Let's just make it up as we go, never leave our homes, and still get paid!!!

I don't mean to sound so crappy, but the mad push for everything now, now, now just ticks me off. I will sum it up saying things have changed so much in eight years and it is frustrating to have to compete with someone who does a half ass job to begin with. Then I am supposed to spend my evenings, weekends, and vacations fighting with NALTEA to prove we are professionals and deserve to do our jobs, or I am not fighting for the cause. I am in this just as much as anyone else in this industry, but at the end of the day I like to have a life besides real estate and stress. Does anyone else feel that way or am I just the enemy?? All we can seem to accomplish here in the lovely States is war, whether in another country or in our own backyards. I have got to break out the Kahlua or something - M. to post a reply: login - or - register

Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Tammy Knight/MO
11/3/2005 11:57:20 PM (3733 views)
Re: Red Vision article on SOT - Barbara Bennett/IN
11/4/2005 3:07:08 PM (3846 views)

10/29/2005 12:25:52 PM (3082 views)
10/29/2005 1:58:01 PM (3936 views)
10/29/2005 3:46:53 PM (3906 views)
Re: TO JASON SHEPPARD - monica froese/ME
10/29/2005 9:07:18 PM (4018 views)
10/29/2005 10:02:46 PM (3931 views)
Re: TO JASON SHEPPARD - Jason Sheppard/PA
10/30/2005 2:46:39 AM (5874 views)
10/30/2005 7:36:04 PM (4018 views)
Re: TO JASON SHEPPARD - george Hubka/MI
10/31/2005 7:42:19 AM (3994 views)
Re: TO JASON SHEPPARD - Jason Sheppard/PA
10/31/2005 11:17:12 AM (4328 views)
10/31/2005 6:39:59 PM (3847 views)
10/31/2005 9:32:44 PM (3950 views)
10/31/2005 9:20:01 PM (3880 views)
10/31/2005 9:44:44 PM (3895 views)
10/31/2005 9:25:59 PM (3842 views)
11/1/2005 6:02:23 PM (4123 views)
11/1/2005 7:47:31 PM (3907 views)
11/1/2005 11:05:20 PM (3886 views)
11/1/2005 11:10:38 PM (3805 views)
11/2/2005 7:47:20 AM (3808 views)
Re: TO JASON SHEPPARD - Jason Sheppard/PA
11/2/2005 3:06:05 PM (3860 views)

e-mail solicitation - christine/MA
10/28/2005 2:40:31 PM (2842 views)
Re: e-mail solicitation - Robert Franco/OH
10/28/2005 2:58:15 PM (3914 views)
Re: e-mail solicitation - Jacqueline Quaresimo/PA
10/29/2005 3:20:56 PM (3812 views)
Re: e-mail solicitation - Jason Sheppard/PA
10/30/2005 3:13:40 AM (3822 views)

QUESTION FOR F. LEE... - Scott Perry/PA
10/27/2005 5:28:13 PM (2820 views)
Re: QUESTION FOR F. LEE... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/27/2005 7:00:49 PM (3964 views)
Re: QUESTION FOR F. LEE... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/28/2005 6:33:17 AM (4054 views)
Re: QUESTION FOR F. LEE... - Jay Duncan/MO
10/28/2005 8:32:35 AM (4051 views)
Re: QUESTION FOR F. LEE... - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/28/2005 9:34:25 AM (4033 views)

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