Many times, while working with independent loan officers, we submit invoices for services rendered only to find they have moved, changed phones lines, added phone lines, switched internet providers, etc.
I understand your frustration. However, unless I researched all possible scenarios, whether I knew/had history with the individual or not, I would NOT post a public message for thousands upon thousands of individuals to read that may very well shed a poor light on an individual who simply changed contact information.
All in all, I am sure you were looking out for your business and I salute you for your tenacity. Regarding your comment about making money and not friends, I am sorry you are at that point in your life.
Friends, family and teammates are what truly matters in life. Money is simply a way to keep the lights on. Having said that, normally if you take care of those who take care of you (family, friends and teammates), the money will follow!
Best of luck and please accept my appology if I angered or frustrated you in any way, I meant no disrespect. I just felt like sharing my thoughts...JT
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