Excellent article. We have been in a good wave for several years and I agree that a lot of folks don't realize what can happen.
I remember the late seventies and early eighties quite well. I became an independent in '76 and it was not a pretty time. I did have the advantage at the time of getting work from title companies that were laying off staff or just not hiring. Still, it was a time that having proven abilities to do a complex search was important.
As you mentioned, the standards, for residential work in particular, has really fallen in the last several years. I really feel bad for the homebuyers today that are getting such an inferior product. It is not near the affirmative insurance that was out there just five-ten years ago.
My guess is that a large share of the refinance work and a good portion of the sales work will go overseas in the next few years. We are seeing this in central Ohio now.
It is a shame to lose, but not that big a deal. When I started, I doubt that more that 10% of my work was for refinances. Most of the agencies I work with will not lower their standards for owner's policies.
I think you are correct, we will see a lot more folks leave the industry in the next couple of years. Some will be those that have been around awhile and a lot of newer ones. It is a story we have faced before, but the challenges have changed.
Anyway, thanks for a great read.
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