Well Scott go for it then. JT just tried to show what is involved and include the fact that we feel we need more money for our services and we do. JT only left one thing out - with a certified copy - which in Texas not only are the stamped they are sealed - you can't fax and/or email - they have to be sent by mail - so included in this service is some type of confirmation mail - i.e., either certified mail or priority mail with confirmation - at a cost of at least $6.00. To offer this service and not return it in this manner would open one up for a huge liability in whether or not the person actually received the document ordered. It takes time to fill out certified mail, envelopes and/or confirmation slips and priority mail packages and stand in line to get your receipt stamped. At a price of $30.00, less the certification fee of $5.00, the mailing fee of $6.00, the cost of copies which on average in my state would be $3.00, my parking fee at the courthouses (Dallas $4.00), and gas back and forth - with no promise of a volume - he could only get one document in one county - maybe this person didn't but he could have - profit would be very little. $30.00 - 18.00 = $12.00 before deducting gasoline, etc. I wouldn't do this service for $30.00 costs included - are you one of those undercutting the market?
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