This letter would only be illegal or morally wrong if in fact the entity they are describing doesn't recommend the certified copy. I went to the site and briefly looked at some topics and did not find it - however, it doesn't mean it is not there. After a closing occurs and documents are filed, the closing agent or attorney either had all documents come back to his office for further forwarding to appropriate persons or put the return address of the buyer on the warranty deed and the lender on the mortgages in which they would be sent directly to them from the courthouse. I do regularly speak with persons of the general public at the courthouse who say they are there to get a certified copy of their deed because it is the request of an attorney - let's say to handle a sale and/or probate of an estate; the request of a title company, etc. I am beginning to believe in the possibility that attorneys, lenders, title agents are requiring this because of all of the fraud going around. Anyone can produce a copy or even a "supposed" original of a filed document - perhaps they want the added protection of it being certified by the court clerk (even though fraudulent docs are filed all the time). I do know that they would have paid me if they knew about me - they tell me as they stand in the Dallas county copy lines for a very, very long time. This is actually how I meet some of my clients - being helpful and friendly does pay back. As far as the price, think of this - our fee (15-30 depending on volume/territory) plus in my area - $1.00 a page - most of our warranty deeds are 3 pages or more; certification fee - $5.00; and then the fee of our companies that send the work to us. I am sure the total fee is $40.00 or more. And obviously the company is getting the work.
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