I've decided that when I develop my web site soon, or one of my friends that have offered - Judy and actually my friend, Janice and well David said he would help too - well I'm so lucky with all of these thoughtful people but I have been given Site Central from my dad which makes everything just easy so I will try to start one myself. Anway, back to the point, I have decided I am taking pictures of the grantee/grantor room of books - yes that is right in Dallas county we have a separate room for grantee/grantor books that are before the computer date of 1964 - that shows you just how many records we do have! Might stick a picture in of the famous building/street where JF Kennedy was shot - the actual SW corner of the courthouse. I'll post my kids pictures like Kurt - cuz one of them files my invoices and organizes things and my oldest, when he comes back to work, performs the tax work, plat retrievals and hand-delivers to local customers. I think what you did Kurt is add a personal touch to your site - as I wish Robert would to the monthly feature stories - it would be nice to see a face to the story. See the face of the abstractor that we have talked so many times with before.
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