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[+] C2C - Smitty Strickland/SC (6 replies)
10/27/2005 5:02:32 PM (2756 views)

[+] The Future of the Industry - Robert Franco/OH (30 replies)
10/27/2005 3:04:25 PM (3094 views)

[+] Electronic storage - Deborah Manion/VA (7 replies)
10/27/2005 9:58:43 AM (2653 views)

[+] Starting your own business - Angela Glass/MD (7 replies)
10/25/2005 8:49:48 PM (2832 views)

[+] Passing... - Jay Duncan/MO (2 replies)
10/24/2005 3:24:08 PM (2794 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Abstractors Aid In New Orleans' Recovery - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH (2 replies)
10/24/2005 10:19:12 AM (3766 views)

[+] Hey Kurt! - J Nisonger/CA (3 replies)
10/24/2005 12:06:20 AM (2785 views)

[+] Whine, whine, whine... - Jay Duncan/MO (6 replies)
10/23/2005 10:43:57 PM (3939 views)

[+] Here we go again!! - Kurt deVries/FL (4 replies)
10/21/2005 3:38:08 PM (2899 views)

[+] Code of Ethics - Jay Duncan/MO (8 replies)
10/21/2005 10:35:01 AM (3998 views)

[-] research time? - GORDON TINSLEY/CA (9 replies)
10/20/2005 4:54:52 AM (3071 views)

Hi I to want to do a poll. I have beeen following this forum for some time and have noticed the complaints about "those people charging $25.00 for a 1 owner search". What I would like to know is how long does it take for you to do the  searches? Including. 1 owner, full title, 40/50 year search and legal and vesting and do you include copy cost in your charges? I have been in the title business for almost 30 years and a independent for 8 years. I do all the work myself except for times I may get some help with the typing. I base what I charge for my orders on how long I think it will take me to do the order, sometime I off but more time than not I'm correct in how long it takes. I believe the highest price I can charge  is the best price(but without this site I might not have known what that fee might be). For me I was hired by one company to do (they set the fee they would pay) searches and then found many more clients to build my business to what it is today. I have not raised my fee much over the eight years even with the what has happened with the price of gas. I drive 150-300 miles a day to complete my orders in the 7 counties I cover and complete anywhere from 12 to as many as 50 orders in one day and work anywhere from 8-15 hours a day whatever it takes. I make a very good living doing this and don't have the down side of working for a single Title Company in the office all day, but have the freedom of working for myself and loving every minute of just like when I started in the Title Industry way back in 1976. I know I rambled but its 2:00am and its been a very busy day. With all of your help maybe we can set standard fee for the work so everyone makes a good living. I enjoy this site very much and have told some of my clients about the site to find searchers they need in other areas. 

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Re: research time? - Scott Perry/PA
10/20/2005 8:07:53 AM (5031 views)
Re: research time? - GORDON TINSLEY/CA
10/20/2005 12:44:12 PM (5057 views)
Re: research time? - Robert Franco/OH
10/20/2005 11:38:23 AM (6321 views)
Re: research time? - GORDON TINSLEY/CA
10/20/2005 1:04:37 PM (5049 views)
Re: research time? - Phyllis Agan/GA
10/28/2005 8:30:14 AM (4719 views)
Re: research time? - David Jenkins/PA
10/20/2005 12:13:25 PM (4947 views)
Re: research time? - Robert Franco/OH
10/20/2005 12:24:57 PM (4965 views)
Re: research time? - David Jenkins/PA
10/20/2005 1:08:11 PM (4981 views)
Re: research time? - Lisa Scherer/NJ
10/24/2005 11:04:35 PM (4763 views)

[+] QUICK POLL - Scott Perry/PA (35 replies)
10/19/2005 9:55:01 PM (3171 views)

[+] This has been bugging me . . . - Michaela Urban/OH (21 replies)
10/18/2005 9:57:44 AM (3199 views)

[+] New member of Phoenix Document Service! - Kurt deVries/FL (10 replies)
10/17/2005 4:50:18 PM (3103 views)

[+] LENDERS SERVICES DIRECT TULSA, OK - Becky Kale/IL (4 replies)
10/17/2005 2:22:31 PM (3041 views)

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