Then you know females need twice as many stalls and they must be clean. JT I debated saying something on the forum about your foot or doing it privately. You took it exactly how I imagined you would... ot as crticism but as my genuinely wanting to help. Also you make the same mistakes most website owners make and I thouht perhaps there were others that might see some of the same issues on their sites. I was wheened on a small town newspaper. There was this wonderful 90 rep whole took the time to explain fonts and their orgins. He was the one who poved to me why I should not us italics especially if they had capitals... just to hard for the adverage person to read. I offered tho help another SOT friend but I think he was offened... I never heard from him and for that I am sorry. You building is terrific JT and I know you are going to do great and if you pass work our way I promise you will never regret it... Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out from this end. I wish there was a way we could all work for and with each other. The banks would love us. JT if you would like some help with your design please email me. I love design and do a lot of mosaics and work on webpages for friends. No fee.... just fun! Just out of curiosity JT... where are you?
Thankyou for the lovely receipe.. I am sending it on and will it on to others.
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