Scott and Glenda,
Thanks for your posts. Scott, I understand where you are coming from about the copy charges as well as for the other costs of doing business. It's probably more my fault than anything, but in the past we never charged our clients for copies, unless they were looking for CEMA's. Most clients just wanted the 1st, legal and signature page of the mortgage, so throwing that in for free was something that we opted to do. Or if they just wanted a copy of the last deed of record, we would do that too for free. But that was a time when we were able to charge a little more to our clients for the product. Now, we have lowered our prices so much, that we aren't able to afford to give the copies to our clients for free. So we too have added copy charges to our clients. However some of them are used to the free copies, that we aren't able to charge them for it. So we will deal as best as we can.
PS: Scott, has it been a while since we sent you an order??
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