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Early Registration Extended to Dec. 14th - Jay Duncan/MO
12/6/2005 3:21:57 PM (3234 views)
Re: Early Registration Extended to Dec. 14th - Robert Franco/OH
12/6/2005 4:06:12 PM (2145 views)

Jay Duncan - Tammy Knight/MO
12/6/2005 12:09:13 AM (2356 views)
Re: Jay Duncan - J Nisonger/CA
12/6/2005 5:40:04 AM (2535 views)
Re: Jay Duncan - Jay Duncan/MO
12/6/2005 7:17:32 AM (2456 views)
Re: Jay Duncan - Jay Duncan/MO
12/10/2005 7:59:48 PM (2362 views)
Re: Jay Duncan - Tammy Knight/MO
12/12/2005 2:45:56 PM (2396 views)

Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - J Nisonger/CA
12/5/2005 11:24:06 PM (2371 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - Tammy Knight/MO
12/5/2005 11:57:36 PM (2467 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - J Nisonger/CA
12/6/2005 5:47:48 AM (2580 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - Deborah Manion/VA
12/6/2005 12:16:52 PM (2464 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - J Nisonger/CA
12/6/2005 11:34:28 PM (2284 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/7/2005 12:05:44 AM (2316 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - Scott Perry/PA
12/7/2005 7:52:09 AM (2416 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - Tammy Knight/MO
12/7/2005 3:15:24 PM (2419 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - Rachel Malone/PA
12/7/2005 9:54:26 PM (2374 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - Deborah Manion/VA
12/8/2005 11:36:33 AM (2373 views)
Re: Abstractor... abstracter and now there is... - Scott Perry/PA
12/8/2005 7:05:48 PM (2345 views)

Jim with Contemporary - Tammy Knight/MO
12/5/2005 6:49:34 PM (2279 views)
Re: Jim with Contemporary - Jim Girardi/NY
12/6/2005 11:34:07 AM (2275 views)

Greenlink & Wauchovia - Deborah Manion/VA
12/5/2005 4:39:04 PM (2914 views)
Re: Greenlink & Wauchovia - Eboni/VA
12/14/2005 9:29:33 AM (2608 views)
Re: Greenlink & Wauchovia - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/15/2005 3:22:08 PM (2747 views)

Poor Pay/No Pay List - Iris Buchman/FL
12/5/2005 11:01:51 AM (2382 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Jay Duncan/MO
12/5/2005 12:11:29 PM (2596 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Tammy Knight/MO
12/5/2005 4:59:47 PM (2677 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Jay Duncan/MO
12/5/2005 8:30:54 PM (2682 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Jan Forster/NC
12/5/2005 8:41:22 PM (2719 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Jay Duncan/MO
12/5/2005 10:37:25 PM (2752 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - J Nisonger/CA
12/5/2005 11:04:05 PM (2624 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Tammy Knight/MO
12/5/2005 11:54:25 PM (2628 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - J Nisonger/CA
12/6/2005 6:06:33 AM (2581 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/6/2005 10:23:46 AM (2594 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Patrick Scott/IL
12/6/2005 12:50:44 PM (2460 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Tammy Knight/MO
12/6/2005 1:39:36 PM (2618 views)
Re: Poor Pay/No Pay List - Iris Buchman/FL
12/7/2005 12:21:37 AM (2681 views)

One Day at a Time - Jay Duncan/MO
12/4/2005 10:43:55 PM (1845 views)

Resource Confidential - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/3/2005 3:46:19 PM (2325 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/3/2005 4:13:15 PM (2579 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/3/2005 11:00:57 PM (2602 views)

Problems in the Industry - Financing Statements - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/3/2005 1:07:58 PM (1979 views)

Company Agreements, Etc - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/3/2005 11:59:20 AM (2248 views)
Re: Company Agreements, Etc - PATRICIA PALMER/PA
12/4/2005 1:35:49 PM (2701 views)
Re: Company Agreements, Etc - J Nisonger/CA
12/4/2005 10:09:17 PM (2659 views)

Tis the End of Year - IRS - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/3/2005 11:51:13 AM (2289 views)
Re: Tis the End of Year - IRS - J Nisonger/CA
12/4/2005 10:13:07 PM (2719 views)

Relocation Complete! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/2/2005 8:00:42 PM (3357 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/2/2005 9:26:22 PM (2739 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/3/2005 10:08:09 AM (2740 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/3/2005 10:18:30 AM (2747 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/3/2005 11:36:23 AM (2681 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - J Nisonger/CA
12/6/2005 6:32:04 AM (4493 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/6/2005 10:25:55 AM (2698 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/6/2005 11:07:54 AM (2692 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/6/2005 11:11:37 AM (2739 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - Tammy Knight/MO
12/6/2005 1:33:16 PM (2779 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/6/2005 5:58:53 PM (2746 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - J Nisonger/CA
12/10/2005 1:13:30 AM (2558 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/10/2005 2:47:23 PM (2619 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/10/2005 3:20:41 PM (2581 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - Jason Sheppard/PA
12/12/2005 2:12:14 PM (2657 views)
Re: Relocation Complete! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/13/2005 6:22:11 PM (2693 views)

Illegal Referral Fee Schemes - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
12/2/2005 10:18:21 AM (3318 views)
Re: Illegal Referral Fee Schemes - Tammy Knight/MO
12/2/2005 3:34:08 PM (2611 views)

Title Direct problems - Iris Buchman/FL
12/2/2005 8:50:12 AM (2347 views)
Re: Title Direct problems - Kurt deVries/FL
12/2/2005 9:48:31 AM (2719 views)
Re: Title Direct problems - Iris Buchman/FL
12/2/2005 11:53:05 PM (2708 views)
Re: Title Direct problems - Tammy Knight/MO
12/2/2005 3:22:49 PM (2778 views)
Re: Title Direct problems - Scott Perry/PA
12/2/2005 5:11:33 PM (2911 views)
Re: Title Direct problems - Iris Buchman/FL
12/2/2005 11:42:45 PM (2797 views)
Re: Title Direct problems - Iris Buchman/FL
12/2/2005 11:39:41 PM (2780 views)

Contemporary - Tammy Knight/MO
12/1/2005 6:53:43 PM (2380 views)
Re: Contemporary - Glenda Hodge/TN
12/2/2005 1:53:50 AM (2854 views)
Re: Contemporary - Iris Buchman/FL
12/2/2005 8:43:25 AM (2772 views)
Re: Contemporary - Kurt deVries/FL
12/2/2005 9:46:52 AM (2795 views)
Re: Contemporary - Eboni/VA
12/2/2005 1:35:00 PM (2545 views)
Re: Contemporary - Tammy Knight/MO
12/2/2005 3:21:17 PM (2569 views)
Re: Contemporary - Anne Gilbert/VT
12/2/2005 5:23:12 PM (2740 views)
Re: Contemporary - Julie Jasiunas/WI
12/2/2005 10:39:46 PM (2566 views)
Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - James Girardi/NY
12/5/2005 11:02:05 AM (2691 views)

Dear All:

I wanted you all to know that I am here to make sure that your payments are made promptly and accurately.  Over the past few years, I have made a number of adjustments to my accounting system to try to make it easier for everyone to get paid.  A lot of the adjustments were in personnel.  Some of you may recall names like, Betsy, Danielle, Paj, Sara, Cathy, Patryck.  Some of you are probably chuckling when you read past one of these names that you recall from the past.  For the record, I do take full responsibility for the actions (or lack of actions) from my staff.  So if you had issues with my staff in the past, then that's my fault for not being on top of it.

After reading these posts, I do want to say, "Thank you" for those of you who did stick up for my company.  We have been around for almost 7 years now and some of you are like family to me.  Some of you are the reasons why CRSI is where it is today.

In the earlier part of the year, we ran into some cash flow problems.  Like all of you, we too have clients that are slow pays.  We have receivables that are still 300+ days out.  We have one client that still owes us money from 2003.  I am sorry that payments slowed down during this year.  We had to make a few corporate changes to help us through the problem.  By the end of the summer, we were able to recover from our cash flow problems and now are on a more solid ground.

We are looking to clear up as much as our researcher bills by year's end as possible.  Ken is still my accounting supervisor.  Ruthie is still handling about 30 states.  Raquel is handling a couple of states and we now have Francesca aboard to take over all of Patyck's states and then some.  I too have been working with the researchers to get things caught up.

Outside of my normal duties of running 3 offices, I have been handling researcher complaints.  Outside of one or two "difficult" people, I don't think anyone has left a phone conversation with me in a negative way.  Usually it's been a positive experience for both parties.

Some helpful tips for getting paid quickly and accurately:
1.  Always reference our order numbers.  We don't make up those numbers.  Those numbers come directly from our clients.
2.  Please, please read directions carefully.  If we only need 1st, last and legal of a document, please don't send us the full copy.  We won't pay for it and it slows down the payment process for everyone.
3.  Fax fees, trip fees, rush fees.  I am sorry, but it's the cost of doing business.  I had one researcher admit to me that she charges her clients for a trip fee when she has 3 or 4 orders for the same county but for different clients.
4.  A monthly statement.  If you would forward either via fax or mail a monthly statement, which includes our order number and your fees at the end of each month, that would be the fastest way to get paid.
5.  All monthly statements need to be sent to the Long Island Office.  Buffalo and South Carolina do not make payments.
6.  When you send your work back to each office, please include your product cost and any copy costs.  If you list your invoice number on the work, our customer service people should be inputting that data into our DB.
7.  Payment schedule.  We try to pay each state once a month.  We are hoping to get to twice a month, but one step at a time.
8.  Copy costs.  I am not sure why people charge more than what the county charges them.  Personally I think it's wrong.  It should be a pass-through cost, not another way of making money off your clients.

Monthly statements can be faxed to 631.979.1042 or 631.979.1745.

If you have a specific issue that you would like to discuss with me, please call me at 631.979.5677 x11 or email me at  Please, if you email me, please type in the subject heading, "Researcher Issue".  I only state this because I do get a lot of spam and I wouldn't want to delete your email on accident.

I hope this email helps to clear up some of the payment questions that you may have.

Happy Holidays to you All

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Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - Anne Gilbert/VT
12/5/2005 5:19:51 PM (2675 views)
Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - James Girardi/NY
12/5/2005 5:26:15 PM (2663 views)
Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - Tammy Knight/MO
12/5/2005 6:12:30 PM (2681 views)
Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - Scott Perry/PA
12/5/2005 11:25:01 PM (2639 views)
Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - Glenda Hodge/TN
12/6/2005 11:43:59 AM (2572 views)
Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - Jim Girardi/NY
12/6/2005 12:20:29 PM (2568 views)
Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - Robert Franco/OH
12/6/2005 1:06:21 PM (2557 views)
Re: Contemporary (from one of the owners) - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/6/2005 6:29:22 PM (2542 views)

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