Thanks for the information. We went through a similar situation about six months ago with another company with the same name as our from Ohio and three months prior to that regarding one with the same name in New Jersey?!??!?!
Our company, Statewide Settlement, Inc., located south of Rochester, NY, provides prompt payment for all verified invoices on the first and the fifteenth of every month for abstractors, settlement agents and other service providers.
Our accounting manager, Jaime VanSlyke, takes great pride in treating our extended team with respect both via communication and prompt payment. We understand the importance of maintaining sound support in the field and the best way to cripple that is by not paying your debts.
Finally, we have had less than an 8% turnover/change in our service providers within the past eighteen months, thus, we feel very confident that either another company is being referenced on another website or your typical negative propaganda is rearing its ugly head. Our abstractors, settlement agents and other teammates would certainly speak directly to us if they ever had a question or concern regarding their invoices.
Nonetheless, thanks for brining this to our attention.....JT
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