A most interesting article. I see the technology situation in India as a good/bad scenario. Understandably, Bill Gates and Microsoft are very interested in India - not only technology wise but philanthropically. Last night on the World News, Bill and Melinda Gates were named as their people of the year for their philanthropic acts around the world. India, as one of the leading third world countries, really needs the boost economically to help the people in their country. I applaud their effort and companies who are trying to help stablilize and grow the economy for India's sake.
On the other hand, right now - it is cheap labor, which is why companies "outsource" to India. If what the article says is true, then in the not so distant future - techs in India won't be less expensive to retain than techs anywhere else. We cannot stop the growth in India, nor would I want to. Our problem is the industry that we are in just happens to be one of the easiest and most profitable to outsource at this time. Our public records should not become the property of any foreign entity - they should remain here - in the hands of the citizens who have paid to build and maintain those records over time. Online databasing, albeit the wave of the future, is risky business. No law implemented can alter the fact of who obtains what from whom once its online. Before County Clerks and Government officials started "on-lining" they should have been responsible enough to realize the risks involved in an overly available internet database. I believe the only way to change this is to educate the public so they understand the risks their County Recorder takes. The wholesale of our public records should not be in the control of one person. Those records are not only our private information - they are our history. I think its a shame that the United States is so cheaply bought and sold.
Thats just my opinion...
Ellen M Malloy
Tri County Abstract Inc.
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