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Inspirational Post - Interview with God - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/2/2006 11:15:58 PM (3107 views)
Re: Inspirational Post - Interview with God - Jay Duncan/MO
1/3/2006 12:28:40 AM (2550 views)
Re: Inspirational Post - Interview with God - Kurt deVries/FL
1/3/2006 2:10:57 PM (2469 views)
Re: Inspirational Post - Interview with God - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/3/2006 3:01:06 PM (2381 views)
Re: Inspirational Post - Interview with God - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/3/2006 5:08:56 PM (2466 views)

AH HA...... - Loretta Reed/MD
1/2/2006 7:45:53 AM (2047 views)
Re: AH HA...... - Rachel Malone/PA
1/2/2006 8:58:55 AM (2357 views)
Re: AH HA...... - Loretta Reed/MD
1/2/2006 11:12:44 AM (2295 views)

Order processing - J Nisonger/CA
1/1/2006 11:25:10 PM (2123 views)
Re: Order processing - Jay Duncan/MO
1/2/2006 12:30:02 AM (4713 views)
Re: Order processing - J Nisonger/CA
1/2/2006 6:06:46 PM (2375 views)
Re: Order processing - Jay Duncan/MO
1/2/2006 8:14:47 PM (2429 views)
Re: Order processing - Tammy Knight/MO
1/5/2006 12:43:25 AM (2379 views)
Re: Order processing - J Nisonger/CA
1/5/2006 10:50:20 PM (2336 views)

Scott - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/30/2005 5:22:13 PM (2257 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
12/31/2005 12:54:09 PM (2609 views)
Re: Scott - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/31/2005 10:58:59 PM (2558 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
12/31/2005 11:30:09 PM (2497 views)
Re: Scott - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/1/2006 10:41:48 AM (2522 views)
Re: Scott - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/1/2006 10:55:06 AM (2601 views)
Re: Scott - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/1/2006 11:18:42 AM (2633 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/1/2006 7:06:50 PM (2502 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/1/2006 1:31:42 PM (2601 views)
Re: Scott - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/1/2006 7:59:41 PM (2454 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/1/2006 10:18:55 PM (2470 views)
Re: Scott - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/2/2006 6:04:19 AM (2368 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/2/2006 12:55:35 PM (2419 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/1/2006 1:21:36 PM (2586 views)

Outsourcing - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/30/2005 10:17:26 AM (3343 views)
Re: Outsourcing - Ellen Malloy/MO
12/30/2005 11:21:35 AM (2574 views)
Re: Outsourcing - David Bloys/TX
12/30/2005 12:58:16 PM (2475 views)
Re: Outsourcing - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/30/2005 1:42:05 PM (2397 views)
Re: Outsourcing - David Bloys/TX
12/30/2005 2:26:01 PM (5472 views)
Re: Outsourcing - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/30/2005 4:39:45 PM (2442 views)
Re: Outsourcing - David Bloys/TX
12/30/2005 5:49:48 PM (2535 views)
Re: Outsourcing - Tammy Knight/MO
1/5/2006 1:05:04 AM (2405 views)
Re: Outsourcing - Wanda Steudel/OH
1/5/2006 9:54:14 AM (2373 views)
Re: Outsourcing - Robert Franco/OH
1/5/2006 4:43:21 PM (2392 views)
Re: Outsourcing - David Bloys/TX
1/5/2006 5:43:54 PM (2327 views)
Re: Outsourcing - Robert Franco/OH
1/5/2006 6:33:44 PM (2296 views)
Re: Outsourcing - Tammy Knight/MO
1/6/2006 3:30:17 PM (2235 views)

How Do You Explain This?? - Glenda Hodge/TN
12/29/2005 9:48:09 PM (2320 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Rachel Malone/PA
12/30/2005 12:04:27 AM (2586 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Wanda Steudel/OH
12/30/2005 10:43:38 AM (2591 views)

Although I can not speak for the companies mentioned in your post.  Maybe I can give you some reasons that a client would use a company that does a great deal of out sourcing to other abstractors. 

1)  Their independent may not have E & O insurance & their company policy has changed & they now require E & O
2)  They have a relationship with the out sourcing company, through other areas and they like that comfort zone.
3) They may have only done work in a few counties and now need to have coverage in the whole state.  It is easier for their people in the office to call one number & get all the information they need from that one call.
 4)  It may cost more for the initial search - but they save money in their office because they don't have to hire as many people to do follow-up.
5)  There is usually someone in the office of the out sourcing  company at all times that will be able to help them with their questions or problems.  Sometimes it is harder to get in touch with an independent, it they are out in the field.  They could be in a Court House that doesn't allow cell phone use.  Or they are in a "dead area", or the independent doesn't have a cell phone or will not give out their cell phone number.
6)  Some companies like to be able to send all their mortgage filings out to one place & have that company, do all the tracking & follow-up.  (Not to mention examine the documents for problems)
7)  Some abstractors like this arraignment, because although they may be one of the best abstractors, they are not "people persons" & do not like dealing with clients.  Especially when the "client" is a person that has worked in the title industry for about a week & wants to tell you how to do you job. 
8)  One bill coming from one abstractor is easier to handle the 100 bills for 100 abstractors.  (However I might add that sometimes this is not good for the abstracting company, because, that bill being larger sometimes gets put on the bottom of the pile & sometimes doesn't get paid completely & other times not at all.)

These are just a few that I could think of off the top of my head.  It is important to remember that there are good abstracting companies & some that are not so good - just as there are independents.  As most of you know I out source most of my work.  I would like to think that I am one of the good companies.  I have been an independent abstractor, worked as an abstractor for small & large  title companies, worked for a vendor management company.  Have owned & operated AccuSearch for 8 years.   I value & respect the abstractors that do work for me.  I don't try to beat them up on their fees.  We try to have all our abstractors paid by the 15th of every month.  I don't call my abstractors every 5 minutes on their cell phones, or call every county they cover & try to track them down, if at all possible.  (There are sometimes emergency situations that do arise.) 

I don't think that just because a company is now using an abstracting company instead of you, means that you have not done a good job for them.  Some companies just want to make it easier on themselves.  The important thing is that you are still getting the work.  If you do find that one of your clients is using a company that out sources work, get in touch with that company.  Let them know that you have done work for that client in the past & would like to be added to their list of abstractors.  I know we are always looking for good abstractors.  We do actually put everyone in our database.  You might not get work from us for some time, but that may have nothing to do with you or your work.  It is usually because we don't have the work to support it.

Regards, & Happy New Year to Everyone,
Wanda Steudel
AccuSearch Co.

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Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/30/2005 10:28:58 AM (2593 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/30/2005 12:10:08 PM (2583 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/30/2005 4:53:41 PM (2475 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/30/2005 7:51:33 PM (2487 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/30/2005 10:26:00 PM (2503 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - David Bloys/TX
12/31/2005 9:13:42 AM (2493 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Robert Franco/OH
12/30/2005 5:16:14 PM (2548 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Jay Duncan/MO
1/1/2006 7:47:21 PM (2394 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/1/2006 8:27:23 PM (2371 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/1/2006 11:26:33 PM (2337 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/2/2006 5:55:17 AM (2437 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/2/2006 1:27:27 PM (2364 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/2/2006 2:00:09 PM (2373 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/2/2006 2:14:29 PM (2265 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/2/2006 2:33:30 PM (2291 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/2/2006 2:50:58 PM (2346 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Robert Franco/OH
1/3/2006 12:51:00 PM (2447 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/3/2006 1:45:35 PM (2356 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - J Nisonger/CA
1/2/2006 6:14:00 PM (2372 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/2/2006 11:22:24 PM (2473 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - J Nisonger/CA
1/3/2006 1:16:34 AM (2402 views)
Re: How Do You Explain This?? - george Hubka/MI
1/3/2006 6:52:10 PM (2214 views)

Scanner update - J Nisonger/CA
12/29/2005 9:54:37 AM (2719 views)

Acculink - Deborah Manion/VA
12/28/2005 3:13:07 PM (2394 views)
Re: Acculink - Glenda Hodge/TN
12/28/2005 11:05:13 PM (2533 views)
Re: Acculink - george Hubka/MI
1/3/2006 6:57:03 PM (2304 views)
Re: Acculink - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/3/2006 7:31:24 PM (2324 views)
Re: Acculink - J Nisonger/CA
1/5/2006 10:57:41 PM (2175 views)

DLC Title Services - Susan/OH
12/27/2005 4:34:46 PM (1878 views)

12/27/2005 3:55:51 PM (2029 views)
12/27/2005 8:24:48 PM (4593 views)

The Christmas Closing - Wanda Steudel/OH
12/27/2005 3:32:05 PM (1991 views)
Re: The Christmas Closing - Robert Franco/OH
12/27/2005 3:57:42 PM (2410 views)
Re: The Christmas Closing - Jay Duncan/MO
12/27/2005 10:02:47 PM (2444 views)
Re: The Christmas Closing - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
12/27/2005 11:12:40 PM (2406 views)

Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Tracy/OH
12/27/2005 12:49:26 PM (2319 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Robert Franco/OH
12/27/2005 1:10:13 PM (2388 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Tracy/OH
12/27/2005 1:26:59 PM (2477 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - David Bloys/TX
12/27/2005 2:01:59 PM (2625 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Tracy/OH
12/27/2005 2:17:55 PM (2678 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Robert Franco/OH
12/27/2005 2:24:29 PM (2572 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - David Bloys/TX
12/27/2005 2:29:47 PM (4738 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - J Nisonger/CA
12/29/2005 10:38:01 PM (2436 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Tracy/OH
12/30/2005 1:20:27 PM (2371 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - David Bloys/TX
12/30/2005 2:31:46 PM (2401 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - J Nisonger/CA
12/30/2005 11:18:50 PM (2356 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Tracy/OH
1/3/2006 8:57:52 AM (2281 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - David Bloys/TX
1/3/2006 1:39:39 PM (4189 views)
Re: Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Tracy/OH
1/5/2006 3:49:29 PM (2234 views)
The Paradox of Government Records - David Bloys/TX
1/6/2006 5:01:52 AM (2301 views)
Authorization and passwords - David Bloys/TX
1/6/2006 5:44:42 AM (4220 views)
Re: Authorization and passwords - Scott Perry/PA
1/6/2006 8:12:37 AM (2290 views)
Re: Authorization and passwords - David Bloys/TX
1/6/2006 10:00:07 AM (4133 views)
Re: Authorization and passwords - Tracy/OH
1/15/2006 2:44:57 PM (2309 views)

Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/27/2005 12:26:25 PM (2122 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - TITLE REPORTS PLUS RLE/MD
12/27/2005 12:52:36 PM (2350 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - J Nisonger/CA
12/27/2005 4:46:44 PM (2388 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/27/2005 6:15:10 PM (2420 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - Rachel Malone/PA
1/2/2006 9:01:01 AM (2202 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/2/2006 1:06:03 PM (2187 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - J Nisonger/CA
1/2/2006 6:21:48 PM (2299 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/2/2006 10:47:35 PM (2299 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - J Nisonger/CA
1/3/2006 1:23:59 AM (2400 views)
Re: Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/3/2006 7:28:24 AM (2423 views)

Did you have a white X-mas? - Robert Franco/OH
12/25/2005 11:34:18 PM (2089 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - Glenda Hodge/TN
12/26/2005 1:05:57 AM (2311 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/26/2005 4:18:59 PM (2253 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/26/2005 10:18:30 PM (2329 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - Wanda Steudel/OH
12/27/2005 10:14:18 AM (2442 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - J Nisonger/CA
12/27/2005 11:14:11 AM (2254 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - Ellen Malloy/MO
12/27/2005 11:40:57 AM (2346 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - Jay Duncan/MO
12/27/2005 10:08:28 PM (2539 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - TITLE REPORTS PLUS RLE/MD
12/27/2005 12:55:05 PM (2286 views)
Re: Did you have a white X-mas? - george Hubka/MI
1/3/2006 7:05:17 PM (2132 views)

Casualty Insurance - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/25/2005 8:25:52 PM (2016 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Shannon Blatt/VA
12/26/2005 9:46:46 PM (2242 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/27/2005 6:29:41 AM (2346 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - george Hubka/MI
12/27/2005 7:09:25 AM (2325 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/27/2005 7:34:20 AM (2348 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - David Bloys/TX
12/27/2005 8:34:39 AM (4195 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/27/2005 8:39:41 AM (2349 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - David Bloys/TX
12/27/2005 9:02:25 AM (2308 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Rachel Malone/PA
12/27/2005 7:59:23 AM (2263 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Robert Franco/OH
12/27/2005 11:04:01 AM (2321 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Lisa Ramsey/TX
12/27/2005 11:35:07 AM (2241 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Robert Franco/OH
12/28/2005 12:33:38 PM (2320 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/30/2005 10:15:34 AM (2083 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Robert Franco/OH
12/30/2005 2:25:13 PM (2129 views)
Re: Casualty Insurance - Ricky Farrow/FL
12/30/2005 4:42:03 PM (2090 views)

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