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Another non-payer - Sandra Morton/KS
1/9/2006 5:18:54 PM (2284 views)
Re: Another non-payer - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/9/2006 6:37:29 PM (2459 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Sandra Morton/KS
1/10/2006 12:34:29 AM (2412 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/10/2006 6:42:13 AM (2429 views)
Re: Another non-payer - J Nisonger/CA
1/11/2006 3:31:21 AM (2332 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/11/2006 4:47:39 AM (2334 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Smitty Strickland/SC
1/10/2006 5:54:00 PM (2356 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Mark Constable/MA
1/10/2006 8:40:18 PM (2356 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/11/2006 4:55:58 AM (2381 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Sandra Morton/KS
1/11/2006 12:20:35 PM (2404 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/11/2006 12:29:29 PM (2365 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Sandra Morton/KS
1/11/2006 12:37:43 PM (2318 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/11/2006 1:14:49 PM (2340 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Robert Franco/OH
1/11/2006 1:20:01 PM (2294 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/11/2006 1:28:08 PM (2252 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Robert Franco/OH
1/11/2006 1:56:27 PM (2332 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Robert Breakell/CT
1/11/2006 5:51:03 PM (2302 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/12/2006 12:51:30 AM (2118 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/12/2006 6:14:41 AM (2189 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/12/2006 9:24:15 AM (2177 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Ricky Farrow/FL
1/13/2006 9:52:44 PM (2300 views)
Re: Another non-payer - J Nisonger/CA
1/14/2006 12:09:09 AM (2228 views)
Re: Another non-payer - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/14/2006 5:39:03 AM (2204 views)

You may be flirting with danger unless the laws of your state are significantly different than Connecticut's. I doubt that they are.

You are talking about a mechanic's lien if I am not mistaken. That issue has been discussed on this forum before. In most states a mechanic's lien is permitted for individuals that provide materials or labor in the improvement or demolition of property. The right to the lien generally stems from an a contractor's agreement with the property owner or his agent.

By way of comparison architects are in an unusual position with respect to mechanic's liens in Connecticut. They can record a mechanic's lien only if their plans are actually used in the construction. Consequently, they generally opt for a pretrial attachment/garnishment instead. If your state permits this, it is a safer path to follow provided the proper procedures are followed. It also opens a wider range of assets that can be used to satisfy the judgment. However, remember that your claim is against the party that ordered the abstract from you. That almost certainly is not the property owner unless there is some extended agency relationship in which he or his agent approves of your being hired. That is your burden of proof...not the property owner's.

Your agreement to provide abstracting services is neither material nor is it the outgrowth of an agreement with the property owner nor his agent. You are several steps removed from any contractual relationship with the property owner.

In most cases the abstract is ordered from you in connection with a refi or sale of property. The property owner has applied for a mortgage from the lender. The abstract is ordered from you by a title company. The title company is contracted by the lender.  The property owner has absolutely no idea of either your identity or the title company's.

Most states have expedited procedures for the removal of invalid liens from property which often include costs and expenses of litigation, including attorney's fees. You could be caught for several thousand dollars if the property owner successfully sues you to remove the invalid lien. Worse than that you could be sued for many thousands of dollar if the property owner elects to sue you for slander of title. There are safer ways for you to collect your money.

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Re: Another non-payer - J Nisonger/CA
1/15/2006 3:33:24 PM (2272 views)

This is the Week!!! - Jay Duncan/MO
1/9/2006 9:17:43 AM (3137 views)
Re: This is the Week!!! - J Nisonger/CA
1/11/2006 3:43:54 AM (2189 views)
Re: This is the Week!!! - Jay Duncan/MO
1/11/2006 8:13:35 AM (2148 views)
Re: This is the Week!!! - Deborah Manion/VA
1/11/2006 5:06:19 PM (2066 views)
Re: This is the Week!!! - Shannon Blatt/VA
1/11/2006 8:21:26 PM (2127 views)
Re: This is the Week!!! - J Nisonger/CA
1/11/2006 8:30:50 PM (2127 views)
Re: This is the Week!!! - Deborah Manion/VA
1/12/2006 5:03:52 PM (2168 views)
Re: This is the Week!!! - J Nisonger/CA
1/13/2006 2:00:03 AM (2115 views)

Important!!! - J Nisonger/CA
1/8/2006 10:43:01 PM (2281 views)
Re: Important!!! - Jason Sheppard/PA
1/8/2006 11:17:36 PM (2275 views)
Re: Important!!! - Loretta Reed/MD
1/8/2006 11:22:57 PM (2235 views)
Re: Important!!! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/8/2006 11:23:44 PM (2214 views)
Re: Important!!! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/8/2006 11:23:48 PM (2186 views)
Re: Important!!! - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/9/2006 1:03:28 AM (2225 views)
Re: Important!!! - Patrick Scott/IL
1/9/2006 1:15:30 AM (2217 views)
Re: Important!!! - Loretta Reed/MD
1/10/2006 9:50:37 AM (2178 views)
Re: Important!!! - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2006 7:35:14 AM (4163 views)
Re: Important!!! - Scott Perry/PA
1/9/2006 7:38:49 AM (2219 views)
Re: Important!!! - J Nisonger/CA
1/9/2006 11:38:49 AM (2165 views)
Re: Important!!! - Patrick Scott/IL
1/9/2006 12:04:32 PM (2205 views)
Re: Important!!! - Loretta Reed/MD
1/9/2006 4:24:33 PM (2130 views)
Re: Important!!! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/9/2006 6:40:44 PM (2115 views)
Re: Important!!! - Sandra Morton/KS
1/9/2006 5:28:29 PM (3917 views)
Re: "do not call" list info - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
1/9/2006 6:45:41 PM (2123 views)
Re: "do not call" list info - J Nisonger/CA
1/9/2006 10:38:10 PM (2131 views) - Susan/OH
1/9/2006 10:31:32 PM (4034 views)
Re: - Deborah Manion/VA
1/10/2006 5:37:01 PM (2140 views)
Re: - Scott Perry/PA
1/10/2006 7:32:55 PM (2141 views)
Re: - J Nisonger/CA
1/11/2006 3:39:37 AM (2146 views)
Re: - Scott Perry/PA
1/11/2006 8:35:54 AM (2197 views)
Re: - Patrick Scott/IL
1/11/2006 10:34:59 AM (2184 views)
Re: - J Nisonger/CA
1/11/2006 8:29:09 PM (2155 views)
Re: - Patrick Scott/IL
1/11/2006 10:02:46 PM (2202 views)
Re: - J Nisonger/CA
1/11/2006 10:43:10 PM (2046 views)
Re: - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/11/2006 6:15:42 AM (2166 views)

First County Online now paying the price - David Bloys/TX
1/7/2006 12:10:19 PM (3271 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/7/2006 12:28:31 PM (2359 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - David Bloys/TX
1/7/2006 12:34:00 PM (2368 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/8/2006 6:09:59 AM (2370 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - David Bloys/TX
1/8/2006 9:41:12 AM (4327 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/8/2006 10:44:43 AM (2316 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2006 1:34:41 PM (2415 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - Robert Franco/OH
1/24/2006 5:37:02 PM (2310 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - David Bloys/TX
1/24/2006 7:46:02 PM (2259 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - Robert Franco/OH
1/25/2006 10:26:24 AM (2197 views)
Re: First County Online now paying the price - David Bloys/TX
1/25/2006 12:19:00 PM (2200 views)

Congrats to the winners! - Robert Franco/OH
1/6/2006 2:14:24 PM (2290 views)
Thank you, Robert - Michael Toebe/KS
1/6/2006 5:08:41 PM (2043 views)

National Embarassment, hehe! - Jennifer/PA
1/6/2006 12:20:13 AM (3298 views)
Re: National Embarassment, hehe! - Robert Franco/OH
1/6/2006 3:26:26 PM (2247 views)
Re: National Embarassment, hehe! - J Nisonger/CA
1/6/2006 6:18:46 PM (2182 views)
Re: National Embarassment, hehe! - Jason Sheppard/PA
1/7/2006 3:17:44 PM (2270 views)

VM Co. verses National Abstractor Co. - Austin Whitaker/NJ
1/5/2006 10:09:44 PM (1733 views)

CONTACT NUMBER - Austin Whitaker/NJ
1/5/2006 6:50:08 PM (2095 views)
1/5/2006 7:05:40 PM (2250 views)
Re: CONTACT NUMBER - Austin Whitaker/NJ
1/5/2006 7:28:21 PM (2210 views)

Conference Transportation - Ximena Vargas/NY
1/5/2006 5:32:45 PM (1583 views)

Hope all is well with everyone - Tammy Knight/MO
1/5/2006 12:50:18 AM (1616 views)

Who's Coming - Nikky Eisenhuth/FL
1/4/2006 5:24:23 PM (2953 views)
Re: Who's Coming - Robert Franco/OH
1/4/2006 5:30:44 PM (2425 views)
Re: Who's Coming - Kurt deVries/FL
1/4/2006 10:25:06 PM (2393 views)
Re: Who's Coming - Wanda Steudel/OH
1/5/2006 9:49:12 AM (2345 views)
Re: Who's Coming - Jay Duncan/MO
1/5/2006 10:27:53 AM (2417 views)
Re: Who's Coming - John OConnor/IL
1/5/2006 4:37:46 PM (2340 views)

Quickly approaching... - Jay Duncan/MO
1/4/2006 2:05:53 PM (3083 views)
Re: Quickly approaching... - Ximena Vargas/NY
1/4/2006 3:10:01 PM (2476 views)
Conference transportation from Airport to Hotel - Jay Duncan/MO
1/4/2006 3:28:56 PM (2445 views)
Re: Conference transportation from Airport to Hotel - Robert Franco/OH
1/4/2006 4:08:59 PM (2379 views)
Re: Conference transportation from Airport to Hotel - Patrick Scott/IL
1/4/2006 11:14:01 PM (2347 views)
Re: Conference transportation from Airport to Hotel - Ximena Vargas/NY
1/5/2006 5:18:02 PM (2326 views)

A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Jason Sheppard/PA
1/4/2006 12:04:50 PM (3174 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Jay Duncan/MO
1/4/2006 12:46:06 PM (2623 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/4/2006 1:23:41 PM (2682 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Jason Sheppard/PA
1/4/2006 1:25:39 PM (2654 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - J Nisonger/CA
1/4/2006 2:32:21 PM (2695 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Jason Sheppard/PA
1/4/2006 2:38:26 PM (2807 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - J Nisonger/CA
1/4/2006 6:42:25 PM (2630 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Loretta Reed/MD
1/4/2006 8:14:26 PM (2606 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/4/2006 8:24:06 PM (2604 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Jan Forster/NC
1/4/2006 10:39:49 PM (4681 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - J Nisonger/CA
1/4/2006 11:07:50 PM (2485 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Loretta Reed/MD
1/6/2006 9:02:57 AM (2582 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/6/2006 11:00:10 AM (2589 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Loretta Reed/MD
1/6/2006 5:41:29 PM (2553 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - J Nisonger/CA
1/6/2006 6:07:08 PM (2513 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Loretta Reed/MD
1/7/2006 11:17:18 AM (2526 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - J Nisonger/CA
1/8/2006 6:51:25 PM (2477 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Loretta Reed/MD
1/8/2006 7:47:08 PM (2365 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/9/2006 9:34:30 AM (2352 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Jan Forster/NC
1/7/2006 10:41:16 AM (2573 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/7/2006 12:33:35 PM (2547 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Robert Franco/OH
1/7/2006 4:10:54 PM (2542 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/7/2006 5:20:53 PM (2534 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Jason Sheppard/PA
1/7/2006 5:20:32 PM (4674 views)
Re: A very, very shameless NON profit plug. Please read. - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/7/2006 5:28:18 PM (2509 views)

E & O - Deborah Manion/VA
1/4/2006 10:46:12 AM (1984 views)
Re: E & O - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/4/2006 10:55:31 AM (2570 views)
Re: E & O - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/4/2006 1:32:00 PM (2435 views)
Re: E & O - Glenda Hodge/TN
1/4/2006 1:33:38 PM (2486 views)
Re: E & O - Lynn Hammett/SC
1/4/2006 11:16:55 AM (2470 views)
Re: E & O - Lisa Ramsey/TX
1/4/2006 1:41:34 PM (2332 views)

Hotel rooms for NALTEA conference - Tim Lunn/NY
1/3/2006 12:30:05 PM (1604 views)

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