Hi! This is one of the numerous reasons I started the site. Laws and most importantly, court opinions vary so overwhelmingly from state to state. For instance, Maryland plans to deal with the problem by embarassing 1st DUI offenders by putting them to work in the public eye and having them wear bright orange suits with DUI OFFENDER written on the back. Alcohol is a depressant... Last time I checked, public ridicule will normally affect a person in the same way, making them depressed. Great idea Maryland officials! This will only make offenders want to drink more.
The person who hit my friend (crossed a center line) and walked away without a scratch. He is 19 years of age, tried as an adult and received 2 years probation, ARD program and fines. I completely understand people are human and will make mistakes and with age comes wisdom. When a person is injured or worse, these are the most extreme DUI cases and unfortunately, the person committing the crime may very well be a good person however, judges must make examples out of these individuals so they and others learn from their mistake. I truly believe there is so much lack of education out there. I have national sponsors coming on board with this so I hope to take it as far as I can!! They include alcoholic beverage companies, couriers, car companies and sports teams. It is not a program to say every person who was convicted of DUI is a terrible, worthless individual and I absolutely do not believe that. Unfortunately for them, some are, but for most people convicted, this is their first and only offense in any aspect of lawbreaking. www.saynotodui.com is only a campaign to raise awareness and help educate people on how to simply step away from their vehicles when intoxicated to a point where they are likely to hurt themselves. If it reaches one person, I'd deem it successful!
Thanks for your posts!!! Please get involved!!
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