The part of the equation that you left out is the fact that you'll have 23-25% more in your pocket to begin with, because your entire paycheck will be yours. That's bound to have a tremendous psychological effect as well.
I think you're way off the mark on this one, Rob. In this age of mass-marketing, you don't seriously believe that our media-hyped, consumer-driven society will suddenly stop spending its discretionary income, do you? You and I both know that'll never happen.
Your point about the income tax is well-taken, however, and that is something that should make every American's blood boil. The system is such that the government confiscates almost half of your money, "borrows" it for a year, and when you finally manage to get some of it back from them (without interest, I might add), you're actually happy. What's wrong with this picture?
Go Steelers!
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