Yes I was being somewhat sarcastic, but…… at the same time economics in general are changing. We are entering a global market where raw materials are being shipped all across the world to be worked, shaped and sold to the people who created the raw material. The US is not the manufacturing powerhouse it once was. We do not sell products to other people we buy products from others. You are alluding to Isolationism and price controlling as a solution which does not work in today’s credit based economy. The US does not have gold to back up the dollar bills in our pockets. The article alludes to the Global Economy and asks “…whether what is good for profits is also good for privacy.” Don’t forget those profit goals are driven by the stockholders, otherwise know as the general public who also control the price driven market. Should everyone decided to never comparison shop again??? I do not think this is something that should be ignored and I do not think it is good for privacy! But I think the reactionary idea that we should keep our resources to ourselves is foolish and will only hurt us in the future. Don’t forget that America is rapidly becoming one of the Stupidest developed nations. Most “kids” my age are lazy and want to be paid before they can show they are worth the money and the younger generations will not be able to participate in the general work force unless we make it into a video game and they can do it online sitting on their couch where McDonalds will deliver to them (again sarcasm) but somewhat truthful. The rest of the world is working 10-12 hour days just to stay alive. Our laziness and greed are catching up with us. So unless the American social fabric changes dramatically we need to find a way to safely outsource, not react by pulling our head into our shell and allowing the world to grow up around us. I think security measures can be created to make outsourcing safe and these are minimum wage jobs that do not support families. Sorry for the length and grammer I am a bit swamped but really felt the need to respond.
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