All states don't have wildcard capabilities, as most Texas counties don't. I run last name, first initial to try and pick up variations and mispellings. I think most companies come up against abstractor's not knowing what they should or shouldn't do or how things are checked because there are those out there marketing to companies that have very little experience in abstracting, much less real estate and laws that govern the records. Again, the best thing you can do for you and your company, is i) ask the background experience of the company that is marketing to you - and key IMPORTANCE - the people they have doing your work, if they are not directly performing the searches; and ii) have a type-written list of what you expect from them in the searches - believe it or not many companies do not want a variation in a name pulled - especially a similar corporate name. I personally note at the bottom of my search that similar names were found but not listed or pulled - and just list the name so they can order it if they would like to. No matter what the requirements, in my state I have to put the full last name so catching a misspelled last name would be difficult - the reason being - I would have a million records in some counties like Dallas without the full last name plus first initial. Judgments are always difficult because of spellings and they cannot be cross-checked by property description - obviously. I would always pull a Ron and Ronnie for a Ronald especially if I can match up addresses etc with my search name.
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