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[+] Tell Your Children - J.T. Shoemaker/NY (1 reply)
12/24/2005 3:14:00 PM (1948 views)

[+] About the forums... - Robert Franco/OH (4 replies)
12/23/2005 2:32:34 PM (2016 views)

Best way to secure local work? - Michael/KS
12/23/2005 4:38:29 AM (1604 views)

12/22/2005 3:09:16 PM (2030 views)

[+] INDIANA ABSTRACTORS Steve Schneider Died on 12/17/2005 - Steve Schneider/IN (8 replies)
12/22/2005 2:55:48 PM (2283 views)

Real Title Services

[-] Sentencing Question? - Jay Duncan/MO (5 replies)
12/22/2005 1:56:43 PM (2097 views)
Re: Sentencing Question? - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
12/22/2005 2:24:06 PM (2013 views)
Re: Sentencing Question? - Jay Duncan/MO
12/22/2005 2:33:51 PM (1994 views)
Re: Sentencing Question? - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/23/2005 9:13:51 AM (1990 views)
Re: Sentencing Question? - george Hubka/MI
12/23/2005 9:49:16 PM (1940 views)
Re: Sentencing Question? - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/24/2005 6:40:10 AM (1916 views)

With tax evasion the "victim" is the federal government...not the individual.

With respect to the individual victim, he has recourse to various procedures to discover the hidden assets of the defendant. It takes the form of a post trial deposition. However, if the defendant has already dissapated the funds, there really is very little to discover.

The most powerful tool in restoring the victim's funds is the desire of the criminal defendant to avoid a long prison term combined with the court's order of restitution. If the defendant still has the funds, he is more likely to react to the restitution order than the victim's attempts to discover hidden assets.

I have seen first hand how the federal government investigates criminal defendants. The FBI very often joins with the CID of the Internal Revenue Service to both determine probable cause to proceed, and then to locate the hidden assets of the potential defendant. The proceeds of a criminal enterprise are still subject to taxation even though illegally gained.Generally they will try to determine who, if anybody, is the number two man in the criminal enterprise, and force him to turn against the defendant in return for leniency. It works very effectively.

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[+] American Abstract ????? - george Hubka/MI (12 replies)
12/21/2005 11:03:02 PM (2129 views)

[+] SWS Website Redux! - J.T. Shoemaker/NY (3 replies)
12/21/2005 3:56:53 PM (3119 views)

[+] Back to Business - ERISA - Deborah Manion/VA (4 replies)
12/21/2005 3:07:10 PM (1866 views)

[+] The Bill of Non-Rights - Jay Duncan/MO (6 replies)
12/21/2005 1:59:03 PM (1893 views)

[+] And another thing.... - Deborah Manion/VA (4 replies)
12/21/2005 10:43:49 AM (2080 views)

[+] Another "Seasonal" Post - Kurt deVries/FL (10 replies)
12/21/2005 10:17:57 AM (1945 views)

[+] Seasonal Postings - Deborah Manion/VA (26 replies)
12/21/2005 9:06:00 AM (2055 views)

Monica - J Anonymous/CA
12/21/2005 3:52:22 AM (1553 views)

[+] This is a season of may celebrations.... - J Nisonger/CA (3 replies)
12/21/2005 3:37:05 AM (2936 views)

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