Thank you Jan! I also would like to encourage others to spread the word. Most people are totally unaware of just how bad the situation is or what it will take to resolve it.
Since I began letting the officials know through the newsletters I have been contacted by state and federal officials voicing their concerns and wanting more information. One official in Texas, for example forwarded the last newsletter to eighty seven of his peers. One article he often shows is "The Lives of Three Citizens". This was an article I wrote to illustrate just how much information is being broadcast from just one county website.
Another is Broadcast It To The World? Or Keep It At the Courthouse? which isn't really an article at all, but just a collection of quotes from those who have spoken for and against exporting our public records over the Internet. You may be surprised by who is speaking up.
I truly believe taking this information to the people and legislators can make a difference. It isn't just a matter of job security. It is a matter of national security.
I encourage everyone who feels a sence of outrage to send any article I have written to their legislators and neighbors. If anyone would like a copy of the last newsletter just email me at
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