I'll bite. What are they indexing it under?
....anyone remember the days when traitors would be sentenced as traitors? I think there is outsourcing...and there is outsourcing. If India is such a computer savvy country - why isn't it writing programs to help medicine, agriculture, and architecture that would help its own country? If all that intelligence is just sitting there waiting for foreign countries to come in and exploit it ~ seems to me there are bigger and better uses.
More than sending our documents to the fact that our country's entire history of records is being bought up by a few massive companies to be shipped out of this country. I remember when my oldest son's uniform was redesigned by the United States Army. When he got his first beret, he was not happy at all with it. The label inside read "Made in China". Evidently there was some flack about it overall - all those uniforms are now made in America. I believe, and not just because it involves my job, that some things should NEVER become the property of ANYONE except the United States Citizens. I am sure David would be better at explaining the exploitation of all of us.
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