Sounds like a dark future for American abstractors. Good move on your part to set up another business while waiting for the ax to fall. I guess I am one of the fortunate ones, since the legal profession can not be outsourced.
The leaders of the Soviet Union used to joke that they would sell the rope to the capitalists with which the capitalists would hang themselves. The Indians may succeed where the Soviet Union failed. It is amazing that our elected officials have not awakened to the impact of outsourcing on our economy.
Bush recently indicated that he wanted to allocate funds for improved education in the areas of mathematics and science in order to make us more competitive. This is a step in the right direction for the long term. Any advancement of knowledge is welcome. He specifically mentioned India as a trade competitor in his address. What he does not seem to realize is that the problem is of a short term nature. There may be nothing left to save in the long term unless something is done to end the outsourcing of work/jobs to the third world now.
In one of his replies to the "First Indian" thread Robert mentioned the possibility of a depression in relation to adoption of a new taxing structure. I think there are any number of factors that could result in extended recession or possibly depression. The loss of American jobs to the third world is one scenario. It was the lack of employment and consumer spending that fueled a decade long depression during the 1930's. We like to comfort ourselves by thinking that entities such as the SEC and Federal Reserve will prevent this again, but the realities are such that there are too many unpredicable factors without enough contingency plans... outsourcing is a major threat. It is not just the subsistance level jobs that are disappearing.
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