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[+] Inspirational Post - Interview with God - Lisa Ramsey/TX (4 replies)
1/2/2006 11:15:58 PM (2908 views)

[+] AH HA...... - Loretta Reed/MD (2 replies)
1/2/2006 7:45:53 AM (1905 views)

[+] Order processing - J Nisonger/CA (5 replies)
1/1/2006 11:25:10 PM (1963 views)

[-] Scott - Kevin Ahern/CT (13 replies)
12/30/2005 5:22:13 PM (2116 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
12/31/2005 12:54:09 PM (2215 views)
Re: Scott - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
12/31/2005 10:58:59 PM (2183 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
12/31/2005 11:30:09 PM (2124 views)
Re: Scott - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/1/2006 10:41:48 AM (2127 views)
Re: Scott - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/1/2006 10:55:06 AM (2219 views)

You may also want to consider Melvin Belli...a very flamboyant (he appeared as an actor in an episode of Star Trek) and expert trial attorney from San Francisco. He died several years ago, but while I was in law school I had the privilege of observing his work on a personal injury case he was trying ... absolutely flawless. He has written books on the presentation of evidence that have become encyclopediae for the legal profession. His approach was to show the jury what happened rather than just tell the jury. He pioneered the use of  scale models of accident scenes reconstructed for trial..

I remember one of my law professors telling the torts class a very funny story. It involved a personal injury case in which the Plaintiff had suffered the amputation of his leg. On the day of trial Belli appeared with an object wrapped up in butcher paper that resembled a foot. The object simply rested upon the counsel table for several days of trial. The defense attorney finally noticed that the eyes of several of the jurors were glued to the object on the Plaintiff's counsel table, and finally objected. Upon objection the court made inquiry as to what was wrapped in the butcher paper.  Belli unwrapped it to disclosed a hero sandwich...his lunch. However, the point was well made to the jury.

You are not doing your job unless you are pushing the envelope.

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Re: Scott - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/1/2006 11:18:42 AM (2216 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/1/2006 7:06:50 PM (2128 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/1/2006 1:31:42 PM (2208 views)
Re: Scott - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/1/2006 7:59:41 PM (2075 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/1/2006 10:18:55 PM (2075 views)
Re: Scott - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/2/2006 6:04:19 AM (2001 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/2/2006 12:55:35 PM (2009 views)
Re: Scott - Scott Perry/PA
1/1/2006 1:21:36 PM (2192 views)

[+] Outsourcing - Ricky Farrow/FL (12 replies)
12/30/2005 10:17:26 AM (3183 views)

Real Title Services

[+] How Do You Explain This?? - Glenda Hodge/TN (24 replies)
12/29/2005 9:48:09 PM (2156 views)

Scanner update - J Nisonger/CA
12/29/2005 9:54:37 AM (2594 views)

[+] Acculink - Deborah Manion/VA (4 replies)
12/28/2005 3:13:07 PM (2210 views)

DLC Title Services - Susan/OH
12/27/2005 4:34:46 PM (1782 views)

[+] NALTEA CONFERENCE - Ximena Vargas/NY (1 reply)
12/27/2005 3:55:51 PM (1867 views)

[+] The Christmas Closing - Wanda Steudel/OH (3 replies)
12/27/2005 3:32:05 PM (1826 views)

[+] Soliciting an Abstractor’s point of view - Tracy/OH (18 replies)
12/27/2005 12:49:26 PM (2147 views)

[+] Rose Parade - Warning Personal Post! - Lisa Ramsey/TX (9 replies)
12/27/2005 12:26:25 PM (1987 views)

[+] Did you have a white X-mas? - Robert Franco/OH (9 replies)
12/25/2005 11:34:18 PM (1960 views)

[+] Casualty Insurance - Ricky Farrow/FL (14 replies)
12/25/2005 8:25:52 PM (1866 views)

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