Sorry to touch a nerve with you, but it seems you have some severe issues with Michael Moore that may need to be addressed, I never claimed anything to do with or quote from Michael Moore. You mention him in your first rebuttal and then again in this one. I never mentioned him. I speak from what I have searched from on the web and in Libraries and my feelings personally
Again, I state you miss my point entirely, yes, we have the best economic system and yes, we have led the way in humanitarian efforts, but this economic growth has developed a corporate mentatlity and the human aspect of what lies for us in the future is not in our hands it is in the hands of the corporation's of the world and we are just the pawns they use.
I have enjoyed this discussion and have learned quite a few interesting facts. Thank you Scott and have a great weekend.
Again think peace and it will happen just Imagine.... Ours is not a better way just a different way.....
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